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The Pantheon

The Pantheon

Gods rule the cosmos and all that is within. As one of these elite beings how will you run the world? What will you create?


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Member for 2 years

So very interested. I'm not sure how the portfolio system works, could you explain it to me? Sorry I'm stupid.

And will there be a designated character sheet?

Last edited by CussingChild on Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

"It's not that I believe people are generally bad in nature, it's that..I know it with every fiber of my cold dark being."

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Member for 1 years

Also Interested. Just not sure exactly how it works. What would keep it flowing and moving along?

Its better to ask forgiveness... than permission

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Member for 3 years

Wow, that's exciting to see. There is no designated character sheet. It is an open story in that the characters will write it as they go. Create new creatures or mortals, commune with other gods, it is all up to the player.

Portfolios are the great equalizers of the gods. They allow you to focus your character on what you want. It also means that your god won't be able to overpower everyone elses by limiting what you can do. A god can only create or destroy the things that are parts of their portfolio. It is also an important part of that gods personality.

This does not mean that you cannot affect another's portfolio. Lets say that one person was god of dwarves and another was god of elves. If the dwarf god wanted to destroy the elves, he would just send his mortal subjects to destroy the elves because he cannot act on them himself.

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Like Ares meddles in the affairs of mortals by fighting in wars, in a mortal form, can we do such things? Appear to our subjects and everything?

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Member for 1 years

Yes, that is possible. You can fight and physically manifest. It is usually below gods to fight mortals, but all gods are physical unless they choose not to be.

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