রবিবার, ১৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Creative Writing Experiment | Hear The Raven's Call

I was in quite the mood today for writing so I asked my Facebook friends to post some words or phrases and I would in turn reply with a poem for them using their words.

Here?s how it all turned out:

? ? We are out of toilet paper.

When one readies for a squat
and sits down upon the pot
Make sure there are toiletries at hand
For when your duty has come to an end
And that lump has finally reached its taper
You don?t want to have to shout
We?re Out of Toilet Paper!

-Because our love is??

Because our love is every lasting and true
My heart will always belong to no one but you


-Alone doesn?t mean lonely

Alone doesn?t mean lonely at all
It just means I may be available when you call


-Time has no meaning when there is love???

Time has no meaning when there is love to share
The clock may tick away but I don?t care
Time has no meaning when there is love to share


-Love has no meaning when it is not returned.

Love has no meaning when it?s not returned
Said the bitter one just after a burn
Love has meaning returned or not?
Said the heart, even tho it was twisted in a knot

?-when life gets you down

When life gets you down
And your face takes on that sad old frown
Look beyond that gaping hole where you stand
And take hold a friend by the hand
They?ll help pull you from where you fell
And lift you up for the wind to fill your sail.

- nothing gold can stay

Nothing gold can stay?
What the hell is that you say?
Gold is merely a mineral from the ground
Worth only what one would pay by the pound


?-behold a new dawn

Yesterday is no more
Just a memory from before
Let there be no regrets from the days gone by
For morning shall bring a brand new sky
Forget all the pain, hurt & sadness from the past
Time ticks away far too fast
Take with you all the joyful thoughts and release the sorrow
Behold a New Dawn every tomorrow!

?-The moon was shining a lovely hue of purple tonight as the lone raven perched high in the?.

The moon was shining a lovely hue of purple tonight as the lone raven perched high in the trees along the river bank. For miles you could hear its caw carried by the winds. The sound brought a feeling of something quite familiar. It was as if our souls were speaking to each other. Old friends we were, although we?d surly never met. T?was strange and yet comforting, that connection from the raven down by the river bank.



This was a great writing experiment .. what fun.. can?t wait til I try it again!

Many Blessings,






















I am simply a messenger ... my goal here is to help as many as I can with the stories I have lived and those yet to come. I will share with you my journey, my walk on the path of my life as it reveals itself to me . Come take my hand and walk with me a while... together we will grow .. together we will learn and together we will heal.

Source: http://myravenblog.com/2012/09/15/creative-writing-experiment/

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