মঙ্গলবার, ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১২

Bless Their Hearts Mom: Product Review and Giveaway: Smart Ones

Ah the smell of Back to School- fool of lead pencils, paper, paint and the sense of Fall around the corner....

It also means the HOLIDAYS- Football Tailgating (hey it's a holiday every weekend in the South!) Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah. Which means not only a lot of cooking, but a lot of temptation to eat and eat!?
Weight Watchers knows eating?smart?can feel like you're always saying 'I shouldn't' to life's little temptations: the drive-thru, the candy jar, or pizza day at work, not to mention the big holiday buffets! But with Weight Watchers Smart Ones, you can say 'YES', instead of 'I shouldn't', to food with principles.?

That's because they follow their 6 Smart Eating Principles when making all of their meals, breakfasts, snacks and desserts:
  1. Portion Control, so you can enjoy the foods you love
  2. breakfast is crucial- it starts your day off right and staves off hunger all day long
  3. Smart eating includes a variety of foods with protein
  4. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables can help you feel full longer
  5. Smart desserts and snacks can help you stay on track
  6. Support and knowledge are critical for making smart food decisions

smart ones lasagnaI haven't tried any of the Smart Ones meals or breakfasts in awhile, so I was intrigued to try one of their new and improved products.

I opted for their Traditional Lasagna, with Meat Sauce, as it is one of those meals you always miss when you are dieting. It has 290 calories, 6g fat and 15g protein, to fill you up! Now like any other 'packaged' food, it didn't really look like the box cover picture! But when you're used to that, it's no big deal, as long as it tastes good!

And that it does! I was pleasantly surprised at the taste! It was meaty and cheesy, and better than most frozen lasagnas I have tried! ?I will definitely get my $2 coupon from their site and purchase some more meals, now that I know just how yummy they are!

Want to get your coupon? Just click on the picture below!

Content and/or other value provided by our partner, Smart Ones.

Ready to win a coupon to try one of the new Weight Watchers Smart Ones for yourself?

Disclosure / Disclaimer: I received this offer for the giveaway, and the sample meal, free of charge, from Weight Watchers Smart Ones as part of their Soc ial Chorus Program, for blog purposes. No other compensation, monetary or in kind, has been received or implied for this post. Nor was I told how to post about them

Source: http://blesstheirheartsmom.blogspot.com/2012/09/product-review-and-giveaway-smart-ones.html

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