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    HOW CAN YOU SLEEP - Dean (Music Video)

    HOW CAN YOU SLEEP - Dean (Music Video)

    HOW CAN YOU SLEEP I spoke for the world and they denied me But they discussed the curl of my hair He who saved the great lakes died of cancer I don?t suppose justice has ever been fair The last thing we love is the first thing we kill The snow once fell clean and purled She said make love to me like you mean it Before you take us all to the end of the world How can you sleep? How can you sleep? How can you sleep? In a place I found a great beauty Where they built the things nobody needs They stole it until there was nothing I am the poet and I speak for the trees And I once gave my children a rainbow They were blind to it looking for gold We once thought those big bombs would kill us Man you keep taking us to the end of the world How can you sleep? How can you sleep? How can you sleep? We?re guilty in our own self-importance They got theirs she got hers he got his Seas will rise mountains will roar Trees shall fall that have stood a thousand years As the last witness is silenced Our destiny DNA is uncurled We?ll drag everything down with us when we go You keep taking us to the end of the world How can you sleep? How can you sleep? How can you sleep?-HOW CAN YOU SLEEP
    Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 91 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (00:00)
    Submitted By: Muzu
    Tags: Muzu Music Dean Pop Dean How Can You Sleep
    Categories: Music & Dance

    How the Law of Conscious Creation Can Improve Your Life

    How the Law of Conscious Creation Can Improve Your Life

    http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com - The Law of Conscious or Deliberate Creation states that what you manifest in your life is based on what you consciously desire and focus on or think about, and what you believe you can have. You can consciously create each day, and your life, by deliberately intending what you experience, moment to moment. Download your own FREE copy of my 200 page manifesto, "Blueprint for Abundant Living", right NOW... and find out how YOU can consciously create the life you desire, by visiting my website - http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com
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    Click here to watch the video (09:22)
    Submitted By: alidoug
    Tags: Law Of Conscious Creation Law Of Deliberate Creation Achieve Your Destiny Personal Transformation Personal Growth Self Improvement
    Categories: How To

    How the Law of Giving Helps You Enjoy Abundance

    How the Law of Giving Helps You Enjoy Abundance

    http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com - The Law of Giving states that what you give to others, you receive back multiplied and increased through the Law of Attraction, whether that is money, love, respect, appreciation or anything else you want. Whatever you want, you have to give it first. Always give in the right spirit, without any expectation of anything in return. Download your own FREE copy of my 200 page manifesto, "Blueprint for Abundant Living", right NOW... and find out more about how the Law of Giving can help YOU create the life you desire by visiting my website - http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com
    6 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (09:38)
    Submitted By: alidoug
    Tags: Law Of Giving Achieve Your Destiny Personal Transformation Personal Growth Self Growth Self Improvement Self Development The Secret How To Manifest
    Categories: How To

    How the Law of Gratitude Helps You Enjoy Abundance

    How the Law of Gratitude Helps You Enjoy Abundance

    http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com/ - The Law of Gratitude states that being grateful for what you already have, attracts an abundance of more good things into your life, through the Law of Attraction. Having the attitude of gratitude is an important element in experiencing a happy and fulfilling life. Download your own FREE copy of my 200 page manifesto, "Blueprint for Abundant Living", right NOW... and find out how the Law of Gratitude can help YOU create the life you desire, by visiting my website - http://www.thoughtscreatesuccess.com
    9 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (09:24)
    Submitted By: alidoug
    Tags: Law Of Gratitude Law Of Attraction The Secret Achieve Your Destiny Personal Transformation Personal Growth Self Growth Self Improvement
    Categories: How To

    How to Boost the Law of Attraction with Mind Movies

    How to Boost the Law of Attraction with Mind Movies

    http://www.achieveyourdestiny.com/creative-visualization-with-mind-movies.html - Mind Movies combine the Law of Attraction, the Power of Creative Visualization, and Cutting Edge Technology, to produce the easiest, most powerful visualization tool the world has ever seen, helping you achieve everything you want to have, be, and do. Download your own FREE copy of my 200 page manifesto, "Blueprint for Abundant Living", right NOW... and find out how Mind Movies can help YOU create the life you desire, by visiting my website - http://www.achieveyourdestiny.com/creative-visualization-with-mind-movies.html
    23 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (13:57)
    Submitted By: alidoug
    Tags: "Achieve Your Destiny"Personal Transformation"Personal Growth"Self Improvement"Self Development"Positive Thinking"Mind Movies"Visualization
    Categories: How To

    How to Achieve Your Destiny

    How to Achieve Your Destiny

    http://www.achieveyourdestiny.com - A warm invitation to my personal growth website where you will learn the following: how you can attract abundance; the Law of Attraction; the science behind The Secret; some hot tips for personal transformation; creative visualization, how to reprogram your subconscious mind to help you become the very best you can be, so you can have, do, and be, anything you want. You can also discover how and why your thoughts create your life, scientifically! I am committed to helping you experience personal growth and self-improvement. Download your own FREE copy of my 200 page manifesto, "Blueprint for Abundant Living", right NOW... and find out how YOU can create the life you desire, and achieve your destiny, by visiting my website - http://www.achieveyourdestiny.com
    9 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (05:23)
    Submitted By: alidoug
    Tags: Achieve Your Destiny Personal Transformation Personal Growth Self Growth Self Improvement Think Yourself To Success Thoughts Create Your Life Attract Abundance Law Of Attraction The Secret Science Behind The Secret How To Manifest Creative Visualization
    Categories: How To

    30.000 RPM CD Rom Permanent Erase. ?

    30.000 RPM CD Rom Permanent Erase. ?

    A Compact Disc on a Dremel spun up to 30.000 RPM, and touched with a pin removing the surface layer. The disc fell from the Dremel and shattered on contact with the ground. Do not attempt this at home, shards of plastic can puncture the skin at extremely high speeds. Eye protection was worn, during this disc erase.
    Ranked 4.00 / 5 | 10706 views | 0 comments

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    Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
    Tags: CD Rom Disc Erase Dremel RPM 30.000 Power Ultra Fast Shatter Explosions Force Centrafugal Force Plastic Spin Danger Destiny Tricia Goddard Warp Wow Photonicinduction Destruction Self Destruct Max Rpm Wobble Flex 240 Volts
    Categories: Science & Tech



    This is the story of shy, angst-ridden Koyuki, a fourteen year old boy who drags his feet into an unforeseen destiny. After stumbling into an exciting world of hard-living underground rock musicians, led by the charismatic and talented Ryusuke, he's accepted into a gang of disenfranchised youths and joins them in their quest. Their goal? What every young teen rebel wants. self-expression cranked up to ten, and to make an impact on the world around them that could seem to care less. Oh, and the dog might be a zombie, but whatever. zombies are cool. School's a drag, girls are terrifying, and what's the point of it all anyway? Rock and roll. that's the point of everything.
    Ranked 3.50 / 5 | 370 views | 0 comments

    Click here to watch the video (01:03)
    Submitted By: videodetective
    Tags: Movie Trailers Movie Trailers BECK: MONGOLIAN CHOP SQUAD Drama Revelation
    Categories: Entertainment



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