শুক্রবার, ১৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Venezuela News And Views: Now what? The society we have

Now that we have gone through all the electoral?analysis?that was needed, it is time to measure the consequences for Venezuela of Sunday 7 result. What country are we left with? What can the?opposition?do? What are chavismo next steps? What if...? What about...?

I think we may as well start?with?the social?consequence?for the country since we will all suffer from that.

Beyond fraud?stories?and?campaign?hits and misses, the?reality?is that?Chavez?won?because?the system of?dependency?he created between the state and the poor worked for him. All evidence?points to that. For example we have the tale of?officials?abusing the?gullibility of people by giving them a key and telling them that that key will open the door of their future home, but if they voted for Chavez. ?That the home will be shoddy, that they?would?never be the real owners, that they could not sell, it, rent it, pass it on to whomever they wanted, is not?something?that people in need can consider objectively. But at least these people have an excuse of sorts. Those that have none in my book are those who?accepted?cash for vote. And yet part of the?Chavez?victory was based on that, and will in the future.

Once we face the harsh fact that Chavez victory may be "legal", but certainly not?legitimate, we must face even more unpleasant facts that follow.

People who voted for Chavez live in the?same?country that I live. Henceforth they also suffer from high crime, water and electricity shortages, deficient public services, deficient health care, food shortages, high?inflation? lack of real jobs, etc, etc... In fact I?probably?suffer less from these ills than they do, or at least my?means?allow me to tolerate the situation better. Yet, I voted?against?Chavez?and they voted for him. The implication is staggering: people have decided that?the?system is OK. That they may have been forced to do so is irrelevant, they did it in the end and are thus guilty of their misery, at least in part.

And yet, this is not all. When Chavez won his?reelection, all the sins he?committed?since 2006 have been?validated. It is not that he was forgiven, he never asked for forgiveness, he even went as far as saying that all these ills did not matter?because?the only thing that mattered was for him to remain in office. It is just that all his actions and crimes have been proven?irrelevant?for his voters. ?In other words, all that Chavez did, from enabling laws to allowing Venezuela to become a narco state is now "legal"?because?validated?through?the vote.

What does this tell us about our?society?

The style of the last 6 years of?Chavez?has been marked by a vulgar and?violent?language, by threats, by narco activities, by unjust?expropriations, most without?compensation, by segregation, by atrocious judicial system, etc, etc, etc... in short: by criminal activities. The degradation of our?society?has been for all to see, beyond any material consideration that we may contemplate. And yet 8 million of Venezuelans have said clearly, on October 7, that they do not care. We are in front of one of the biggest selfish acts in our?history, a?society crafted by chavismo, a society?that does not care where it benefits come from, as long as they come. This goes?beyond?entitlement.

And yet, this is the?society?that both sides inherit and will have to do with.

Source: http://daniel-venezuela.blogspot.com/2012/10/now-what-society-we-have.html

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