বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Taiwan?s night markets make California headlines

Taiwan?s night markets have been featured in the San Jose Mercury News of California, in an article that distinguished them from street bazaars in other Asian countries.

?Sure, there are similar street scenes across the continent, from Cambodia to China. In Taiwan, however, night markets are a cherished cultural phenomenon that embraces past traditions while remaining contemporary with quick-stepping, fashionable dressed young people who flood them,? the reporter John Bourdeau wrote in a recent article.

The feature also quoted Lula Han, identified as an expert on Taiwanese culture, as saying that ?eating is literally a religious culture? in Taiwan because night markets initially sprang up around Buddhist temples.

?After you give food to the god in the temple, you give food to yourself. So the food stalls originated with the temples,? Han was quoted as saying.

There are as many as 100 major night markets across Taiwan, with about 20 regular ones in Taipei, the article said.

Source: http://libertytimes.feedsportal.com/c/33098/f/535599/s/24cb19ea/l/0L0Staipeitimes0N0CNews0Ctaiwan0Carchives0C20A120C10A0C240C20A0A3545981/story01.htm

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