রবিবার, ২৮ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

What do you do when... - Empty Closets - A safe online community ...

there's somebody you like (of the same sex as you), you've been or are becoming friends with them but don't know if they're gay?

Do you come out to them? Do you show them you're interested? Do you ask them out on a date? What are the steps that you take or would take?

I'm asking because I have a huge crush on this girl that I met 2 weeks ago but I don't know what to do. I was on the verge of coming out to her last time we met but then I lost courage and didn't
I'm losing sleep over this, it's driving me nuts. I haven't had such strong feelings for someone for so long. The problem is that she's from overseas and will go back to her country in about 3.5 months... :/

Source: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/family-friends-relationships/92405-what-do-you-do-when.html

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