শুক্রবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Soundlib updates G-Player Gigastudio Sample Player to version 2 ...

Soundlib G-Player 2.0Music Industry Newswire NEWS: Soundlib this past week announced a new version of their G-Player sample instrument, originally designed to enable playback of Gigastudio samples and instruments on Mac OS and Windows. The new version is a free upgrade for registered users.

New features include: New stack editor with independent VCA and VCF control, new Audio Mixer with Compressor, Equalizer and external effects, and more.

G-Player 2 is a native Gigastudio file player designed to play the large banks that require disk streaming. G-Player allows you to quickly modify some program parameters (ADSR, VCA, VCF?) without having to edit and save the giga file.

G-Player can play layered instruments with up to 8 layers of crossfade. Each layer?s crossfade is defined by 4 points which precisely determine the fade in and fade out segments. This feature is used by the most prestigious Gigastudio? sound libraries and is natively supported by G-Player.

G-Player is available on Mac (stand-alone, AU, VST and RTAS) and Windows XP, Vista and 7.

More information: http://www.soundlib.com/gplayer/ .

About Christopher Laird Simmons

Christopher Simmons has been writing about music since 1984 when he sold his first feature to Polyphony (now Electronic Musician) magazine. He has composed music for two TV cable shows, is a member of ASCAP and PRSA, and is the managing editor for Music Industry Newswire(TM), as well as the CEO of Neotrope(R) Entertainment. His 80s music can be found on iTunes, Amazon, and CDBaby, among others. He played in several electronica bands in the '80s, and currently tries to find time to play with his studio gear. He is also an award winning graphic designer, photographer, author of one book "Fractopia," and has created digital art for numerous national magazines. ? Christopher Laird Simmons. More at: ChristopherSimmons.com .

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Tags: Gigastudio, Soundlib G-Player

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Source: http://musicindustrynewswire.com/soundlib-updates-g-player-gigastudio-sample-player-to-version-2/

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