শুক্রবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Health of George H.W. Bush 'improving'

HOUSTON (AP) ? Former President George H.W. Bush remains in intensive care at a Houston hospital, but he's improving.

Bush family spokesman Jim McGrath said Friday that the 88-year-old former president is continuing to improve. He says Bush is "alert and, as always, in good spirits."

McGrath says Bush's conversations with doctors and nurses at Methodist Hospital now include singing.

He says physicians remain "cautiously optimistic that the current course of treatment will be effective."

Bush has been hospitalized since Nov. 23. He was moved into intensive care on Sunday for treatment of a fever following a bronchitis-related cough.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/health-george-h-w-bush-improving-185119942.html

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