সোমবার, ৬ মে, ২০১৩

haven't come out but looking for a bf - Empty Closets - A safe online ...

My thoughts on the matter:

- Here's an analogy: dating while closeted is like trying to sell a Fuji apple in the middle of a basket of Royal Gala apples without any stickers to tell you which is which. Unless you're a painfully obvious gay person, nobody is going to know you're "on the market" if you don't tell anyone.

(those apples were the only thing I could think of that look similar enough to the undiscerning eye)

- If you do manage to land a relationship, you won't be able to enjoy it because you'll be so busy hiding it from everyone else you're not out to (read: the world).

- You don't need a relationship with a guy to know if that's what you want. If you're gay, you're gay, and rushing to have a relationship probably won't solidify that any more for you.

- It's gonna be pretty hard to meet people if you don't want to put yourself out there. No online dating since you're closeted, no LGBT areas to frequent, and shy to begin with.

tl;dr It's incredibly difficult to date someone if nobody knows (and you don't want anybody to know) that you're available. Coming out solves a lot of these problems. Are there any reasons you're hesitant to come out?

Source: http://emptyclosets.com/forum/family-friends-relationships/93307-havent-come-out-but-looking-bf.html

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