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Innovation Weight Loss & Fitness ? Long Island Personal Training

The Long Island Personal Training is a unique and American based Company thatoffers a special and variety of training fitness programs.? Significance having a fit and healthy body prevents from a person from getting sick.? Some individuals that have problems when it comes to their physique, felt so insecure need to work past their comfort zone in order to train their heart, lungs, and muscles to get stronger and fitter.? Exercise is work and work is energy, energy pushes or elevates the rate and causes your muscles and unwanted fats to burn.

Long Island Personal Training has goals for Quick Weight Loss Program that includes:

  • Burns double the calories of a traditional bike; works the arms, abs, legs, butt

andoblique; turns and moves back and forth; all in one 50 minute workout.

  • Includes unlimited monthly classes with per special class rates.


  • Covers individual Menu Plan designed for you.
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • 32 hrs of one on one personal training sessions (2x a week)
  • 8 Weight & Measurement Meetings (2x a month)


  • Skinny Fast ? Lose 20 pounds in 20 days
  • ?Drops weight fast and with proven results are guaranteed to work.
  • With different programs with corresponding pounds dropped and number of days.


  • ?Provides enough guidance and education to ensure that you establish effective exercise patterns right from the beginning.
  • Educates you on how your body functions and how to train it, in a safe effective manner to achieve results you want.
  • Includes variety of conditioning methods to improve your Core, Cardio and Muscle Strength.? Helps your work harder, more consistently, and more efficiently.? Coupled with motivational and mental strengthening methods.


  • 50 minute class: that only uses 1-3 pound weight to help shape and tone.
  • Fun ? free style class that is all about moving your body and burning some major calories.


  • 12 Rounds ? Boxing Class
  • 50 minute classes designed for all levels.? Members train with jump ropes, heavy bags, pads, and also utilize reflex drills, hand-eye coordination exercises, footwork drills, shadow boxing, plyometrics and other cross-training fundamentals.


  • Applies to beginner and advanced runners.?
  • The one exercise that will transform your entire body mentally and physically from start to finish.


  • Kind of fitness class that accommodates all ages and levels of fitness.? A 60 minute class consists of Toning exercises, Calisthenics, Cardio and ends with a 10 minute complete stretch.


Once you have a target to maintain a healthy life, you need to monitor and continue the fitness programs in order to sustain and achieve your goals.


Source: http://personal-training.ezinemark.com/innovation-weight-loss-fitness-long-island-personal-training-7d37ed76d9d3.html

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