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Health Star of the Week: Ankit Sachdeva Fights Hypothyroidism and ...

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Health Star of the Week: Ankit Sachdeva Fights Hypothyroidism and Junk Food to Attain Weight Loss



For 24-year-old Ankit his a genetic problem, Hypothyroidism that was playing a spoiler by causing quick weight gain. The young advertising guy didn?t want his weight gain to hamper his personal life and future ambitions. He changed jobs, joined gym and galloped towards permanent weight loss.?

Name: Ankit Sachdeva

Age: 27 years

Profession: Businessman

Weight before (July , 2010) : 82 kgs?

Weight now (June, 2013): 70kgs


When did you realise that you were over weight? Was it a ?Happy realisation? or a medical issue?

It was in 2009-2010, I started putting on weight overnight. No matter whatever I tried, my weight kept on increasing. Then I was working in an advertising agency, I had to sit in front of a computer for most of the time, there were no working hours and no scheduled holidays. Targets and getting business had overshadowed everything in my life. I thought that was the reason for my increased weight. ?But it was my parents who pointed out that it might be hypothyroidism that both of them suffered from. To my shock I was diagnosed with the same.? At the age of 24 I panicked, I didn?t want my weight to puncture my aspirations and confidence. Even my doctor advised me to lose weight.


How did you begin your weight loss? Tell us about the baby steps that you took, like avoiding junk, alcohol or if you started to take a walk after lunch etc.?

As I was working for long hours, joining a gym was impossible. I started jogging in the morning and took my hypothyroidism medicines daily. I started to monitor my eating; I avoided carbs and made a point to walk every day after my dinner for 20-30 minutes. I stopped going out with friends as it always culminated in me drinking alcohol and indulging in junk food. I had to change my whole lifestyle. I even celebrated a New Year?s ?eve at home.


Tell us about your exercise regime? How difficult was it in the beginning to exercise? What were your biggest concerns?

I had recently shifted to a new job, and managed to join a gym. Initially my coach made me do only cardio as a result of running, I noticed that my face was getting thinner but fat was getting accumulated on my stomach. So then I started lifting weights and started doing some grueling abs and lower body workouts.?


Tell us about your diet? What type of changes did you do? Did your family help you or join you in your efforts?

It was very difficult in the beginning. I used to cheat on my diet. I used to work very hard in gym but was not very strict with my diet. I realised that a good workout can only be effective if we support it with a proper diet. After my engagement, I became very conscious of what I was eating. I started by replacing tea with black coffee. I increased my intake of protein by replacing chapatti and rice with boiled chicken breast or boiled dal and morning paranthas with egg whites. I also avoided curd, onions and carbs. All these changes made me grumpy and rude at times. These mood swings was because I had lowered my sugar intake completely.

I had to keep on changing my diet, because after some weeks my body used to adapt to the diet and workout and then their effect (weight loss) started to hit a black hole. My family, especially my mom helped me a lot although she used to be a little worried about my diet. But she used to support me completely. Both my parents are pure vegetarians but they didn?t object when I used to eat non-veg in same house. Now that was big sacrifice our family made for my fitness and weight loss.


Tell us about your diet in detail??

Pre workout (optional): ?a cup of black coffee with two Marie gold biscuits or half apple

Breakfast: 5 egg white, two slices of brown bread or cornflakes

Lunch: one chapatti with bowl of dal

Evening snack: black coffee, four egg whites (in winters)

Dinner: ?boiled dal or oats or chicken breast (in winters)


Tell us about the happiness or achievements post weight loss

When I see my old pictures it makes me very happy and gives me a sense of self belief. ?It feels great when my old pair of jeans fits effortlessly. My biggest achievement is that I ?no longer have to suck in or hide my stomach before getting my picture clicked!


P.S:?If you have an inspiring weight loss story and you wish to share it with us, please mail us at: sobiya@healthmeup.com or contact us on?Facebook?or?Twitter.


Source: http://healthmeup.com/news-weight-loss/health-star-of-the-week-ankit-sachdeva-fights-hypothyroidism-and-junk-food/22173

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'True Blood' returns with gore and a vamp god


8 hours ago

Image: Tara, Sookie and Nora.


Tara, Sookie and Nora escape Bill -- or is it Billith? -- on "True Blood."

The wait is finally over! On Sunday night, HBO's "True Blood" returned and picked up the plot right where it left off last summer.

For those who don't remember, that means just moments after Bill drank the remaining drops of Lilith's holy blood, he rose again as ... well, whatever his is now.

Behold Billith
According to Jason, he's a "evil-monster-vampire-god thing." The truth is, even Bill's not sure.

"I am Bill Compton, though clearly, I am something more," he told Eric's sister Nora right after she, Eric and Sookie attempted to kill him.

And props to Sookie, who actually managed to drive a stake through his heart -- not that it did any good. Surviving that is just one of his many new powers, along with flying and a gruesome sort of telekinesis. Oh, and the power to talk Jessica into standing by his side even though he's obviously bad news.

Home, sweet home
While one of Sookie's exes was busy creeping everyone out, her other ex was being a standup vamp.

After seeing her home safe and sound, Eric transferred ownership of the Stackhouse family home back to Sookie. How did she thank him for the good deed (and the actual deed)? She rescinded his invitation.

Good luck when you need saving next time, Sooks!

Goodnight, Luna
Fans who thought Sam's shifter gal-pal Luna died at the end of last season were wrong. As it turned out, the best Steve Newlin impersonator in Bon Temps still had enough life in her to tell Sam to grab her little wolf and run.

Here's betting a certain wolf pack will have something to say about that temporary custody arraignment.

Vampires and shifters and werewolves ? oh, ew!
Speaking of them, Alcide and the gang decided to honor their outgoing pack master by chowing down on his mortal remains.

After Alcide -- aka the new pack master -- enjoyed a bit of forearm, he moved on to serious wolf business, which evidently includes getting naked, running around and getting it on with anyone -- new girl, girlfriend, both ... whatever.

Don't take rides from strangers
Jason hitched a ride with a mystery man and proceeded to tell him all his woes, including the bit about how he's spending a lot of quality time with his long-deceased parents.

That led to second most memorable lines of the night: "I feel like that little gay boy from that movie 'I See Dead People.' "

(Lafayette took top honors when he called Luna's Newlin broadcast "the sickest (expletive) I've seen on TV -- and I watch 'Dance Moms!' ")

Sookie's brother went on to blab all about Warlow. That's when he realized the downside of getting into a strange car with a strange man on a strange night in Bon Temps.

"Who the hell do you think I am, Jason?" the man behind the wheel asked just before pulling a vanishing act.

What did you think of the season premiere? Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Source: http://www.today.com/entertainment/true-blood-returns-guts-gore-vampire-god-6C10346276

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Food companies work to make it look natural

In this undated photo provided by Kraft Foods Inc., a package of Oscar Mayer Carving Board Turkey Breast is shown. More companies are now trying to make processed foods appear more homespun. (AP Photo/Kraft Foods Inc.)

In this undated photo provided by Kraft Foods Inc., a package of Oscar Mayer Carving Board Turkey Breast is shown. More companies are now trying to make processed foods appear more homespun. (AP Photo/Kraft Foods Inc.)

(AP) ? Here's the latest goal for food makers: Perfect the art of imperfection.

When stretching out the dough for its premium "Artisan Pizzas," Domino's workers are instructed not to worry about making the rectangles too perfect: The pies are supposed to have a more rustic look.

At McDonald's, the egg whites for the new breakfast sandwich called the Egg White Delight McMuffin have a loose shape rather than the round discs used in the original Egg McMuffin.

And Kraft Foods took more than two years to develop a process to make the thick, uneven slabs of turkey in its Carving Board line look like leftovers from a homemade meal rather than the cookie-cutter ovals typical of most lunchmeat.

"The goal is to get the same action as if you were cutting with a knife," said Paul Morin, a Kraft engineer.

Food companies are responding to the adage that people eat with their eyes. Americans still love their fast food and packaged snacks, but they're increasingly turning their noses up at foods that look overly processed. Home-cooked meals ? or ones that at least look like they were home-made ? are seen as more wholesome and authentic.

The result is that companies are tossing out the identical shapes and drab colors that scream of factory conveyor belts. There's no way to measure exactly how much food makers are investing to make their products look more natural or fresh. But adaption is seen as necessary for fueling steady growth.

Over the past five years, the overall packaged food industry in North America grew 14 percent to $392.5 billion, according to market researcher Euromonitor International. The fast-food industry meanwhile rose 13 percent to $225.6 billion.

In many cases, food products get their wholesome appearance because of the different or stripped-down ingredients companies are using to make them more natural, said Michael Cohen, a visiting assistant professor of marketing at NYU's Stern School of Business. But in other cases, companies are making tweaks just to achieve a desired look.

"Food manufacturers are adapting by the way they mold the product or the end color or texture they want the product to be," he said.

Appearances have always been a part of food production. But some experts say the visual cues food makers are using to suggest their products are wholesome fuel confusion about what's natural and what isn't.

"They can't change the fact that they're making processed products so they have to use these other tricks to pretend," said Michele Simon, a public health lawyer and author of "Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back."

A little dressing up can work. Bernell Dorrough, a 31-year-old web marketing coordinator in the Mobile, Ala., area, recently opted for the store brand lunchmeat at the local Publix supermarket in part because the slices came loosely packed in folds rather than in the traditional tight stacks where the meat is peeled off.

"It was folded as though someone held a bag under a machine," he said. "I know it wasn't hand sliced but something about the aesthetic quality appealed to me."

Food companies are banking on customers like Dorrough.

It's one reason why Wendy's softened the edges of its famously square hamburger patties. The Dublin, Ohio-based says it changed the patty to a "natural square" with wavy edges because tasters said the straight edges looked processed.

At Kraft Foods Group Inc., executives took the quest for a turkey slice that looks home-cooked even further. A team at its Madison, Wis., research facility studied the way people carve meat in their kitchen, using the variety of knives they typically have at their disposal.

Instead of the traditional slicers found in delis, the goal was to build a machine that would hack at the meat as a person might, creating slabs with more ragged edges, said Morin, the Kraft engineer.

It wasn't as easy as it sounds since the meat still needs to fit neatly into a package and add up to a certain weight. Morin declined to provide details of the process for competitive reasons but said that no two packages are exactly alike.

"We have a way of making sure that the blade cuts the piece of meat differently with each cut," he said.

At Hillshire Brands Co., which makes lunch meats, hot dogs and sausages, executives also are attuned to the fact that more people prize foods they feel are natural. At an industry conference in February, CEO Sean Connolly noted that in addition to taste, the appearance of its food needed work.

Specifically, Connolly said people wanted a more natural look for lunchmeat that was "moist but not wet." They also wanted the turkey to look "a little bit grainier." Without providing details, a representative for Hillshire, which is based in Chicago, said those changes were achieved through the manufacturing process.

Reggie Moore, the company's vice president of marketing, concedes that the meaning of "natural" is hard to pin down and varies from person-to-person. But as the definition evolves, Hillshire is taking care to signal the natural qualities of its meat visually.

In revamping its turkey slices, for example, one of the cosmetic touchups the company made was darkening the edges of the meat with caramel coloring to give the impression that it was just sliced from a Thanksgiving roast.

Ultimately, Moore said the change didn't really impact the taste.


Follow Candice Choi at www.twitter.com/candicechoi

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2013-06-17-Homemade%20Fast%20Food/id-a3ef0b6cc7794701bde1f893d814e53e

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মঙ্গলবার, ১৮ জুন, ২০১৩

Report: AMD Is Making Its First Ever ARM Chip

Report: AMD Is Making Its First Ever ARM Chip

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that AMD is taking a leap into unknown waters, as it readies its first ever ARM chip.

The new chip?codenamed 'Seattle' and previously hinted at?is apparently based on the architecture designed by ARM which is now prolific in smartphones and tablets. Interestingly though, according to the Wall Street Journal, the chips will be aimed at server systems?where the same power savings required by mobile applications are becoming increasingly attractive.

It won't be the first time a company has offered up an ARM chip for use in servers?Applied Micro Circuits has done something similar before with the X-Gene server-on-a-chip?but AMD does carry enough weight to make the scheme potentially successful. That's a fairly big "potentially": there are enough question marks here?does the world want ARM in servers, can AMD offer a decent ARM products, blah, blah, blah?that success is far from guaranteed.

The Journal claims the processors will come in several versions, first with eight processor cores and later with the option of 16, all ticking by at 2GHz or higher. The Journal expects AMD to officially announce the chip later today, though also suggests it won't be available until the first half of 2014. [WSJ]

Image by Eye of Wolf under Creative Commons license

Source: http://gizmodo.com/report-amd-is-making-its-first-ever-arm-chip-513977438

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Raytheon's updated JTACs situational awareness system eyes-on (video)

Raytheon's updated JTACs system lets soldiers call in airstrike targets by looking at them

Though you may think drones do all the fighting these days, actual soldiers on the ground are still used to call in airstrikes. Sometimes it's still necessary to visually confirm targets before the flyboys create a smoking crater. Though the army has toyed with smartphones and other means to connect soldiers, Raytheon has created a new JTACs (Joint Tactical Air Controller system) prototype for ground forces to let them separate friendlies from enemies and relay the information to strike forces. The system consists of a chest-worn computer, heads-up monocle viewer and wrist-worn display, which together let the solider select a target merely by looking at it and pressing a button. They can also tag friendly forces the same way or send update situational data to the rest of the team, whether they're on the ground or flying a fighter overhead. That assistance from the ground will make it easier for those at the yoke to differentiate between friendlies and targets.

We tried the prototype ourselves in a limited, 2D environment here at the 2013 Paris Air Show and, without any help getting set up, were able to tag targets as red diamonds and friendly forces as amber squares. Everything we did was also displayed on second screen, simulating the ability to send live updates to other soldiers or the base. Impressive as it was, the whole thing is merely a prototype for now, though, that could eventually change. The military AR system is part of a larger platform called AWARE, which Raytheon hopes to eventually deploy. For a detailed explanation about how it works, check out the video after the break.

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Source: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/6ix8pcTOzII/

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This High Resolution 27-Inch Monitor Is Your Deal of the Day

This High Resolution 27-Inch Monitor Is Your Deal of the Day

Newegg is currently selling a 27-inch, matte Dell IPS screen for $550. The monitor in question sports a matte panel running at 2560 x 1440 resolution. This is an excellent deal.

There are similar Monoprice monitors available for about $100 less, and you could conceivably save even more if you order a Korean panel off eBay. But there are still a lot of reasons to pick Dell's U2713HM over sketchier options. First, it comes with a much stronger warranty?so you're less likely to be stuck with a dead pixel or five. Second, this panel comes with vastly superior ports to off-brand monitors: in addition to a built-in USB 3.0 hub, it has HDMI, DisplayPort, and DVI inputs. It's the Wirecutter's favorite 27" monitor, and it's at a lower price now than on Black Friday. At $550 after the code AFNJ0968, it's a great day to pick one up. [Newegg]

? Dell U2713HM 27" Monitor ($550) | Newegg | $640 from Amazon | Use coupon code AFNJ0968

Top Deals

This High Resolution 27-Inch Monitor Is Your Deal of the Day

Having a bigger battery is clearly better than having a smaller battery, but sometimes you just need to have a backup battery to keep you in touch until you can find an outlet. You need a stopgap, not a brick-o-battery. If that's you, you're in luck: Duracell's dead simple battery-and-USB port charger is only $18 today. Don't forget to clip the coupon on the page. [Amazon]


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This Kikkerland Prism Shines Light On Your Life

This High Resolution 27-Inch Monitor Is Your Deal of the Day

Before PRISM became a codeword signifying all the information the government knows about you, it usually referred to fun crystals that refract normal light into a spectrum of colors. I'm leaking this secret now: Prisms are cool as hell.

Kikkkerland makes a pretty solar powered prism. Save 25% off with the Dealzmodo exclusive code DEALZ13. [Kikkerland]


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If you've got a Samsung Galaxy phone and you care about a 43-year-old rapper, you can cop Jay-Z's album five days early for free.


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Keep up with Kif Leswing on Kinja and Twitter. Check out The Moneysaver for more great tech deals, and deals.kinja.com for even more discounts.

A note on Dealzmodo: We're professional shoppers. Yes, we make money if you end up buying. That's capitalism, but we're absolutely looking out for your best interest. Read this if you want to know more.

Source: http://gizmodo.com/this-27-inch-high-resolution-monitor-is-your-deal-of-th-513826232

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শুক্রবার, ১৪ জুন, ২০১৩

Science Discovered a New Human Body Part

Science Discovered a New Human Body Part

A funny thing happened in the field of anatomy during the first half of this year. Researchers found a previously unknown human body part. It's inside the eyeball, and it's very small. At 15 microns thick, the newly discovered layer of material is so small that even calling it a new body part feels inappropriate. That's what it is, though. A new body part. Right there in your eye.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/FurBg07OPuE/science-discovered-a-new-human-body-part-512951576

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Five Robotic Bike Parking Systems That Solve an Urban Dilemma

Five Robotic Bike Parking Systems That Solve an Urban Dilemma

The uproar over New York?s new bike share system is mostly due to very human shortcomings (one crotchety human in particular, actually). But it can also be blamed on the shortcomings of city infrastructure, which hasn't quite caught up to the demand for new, more efficient ways of storing velocipedes.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/_EHeFHYz2js/five-robotic-bike-parking-systems-that-solve-an-urban-d-512563596

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Coney Island Is Resurrecting a Legendary Coaster--With a New Twist

Coney Island Is Resurrecting a Legendary Coaster--With a New Twist

Next summer Coney Island is getting back a little bit of its former glory with a familiar roller coaster. Some 14 years after it was demolished, the once famous Thunderbolt coaster is roaring back onto the boardwalk at 65 miles per hour.



Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/rOa4OnRmMSA/coney-island-is-resurrecting-a-legendary-coaster-with-512622154

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বুধবার, ১২ জুন, ২০১৩

মঙ্গলবার, ১১ জুন, ২০১৩

Olympus Tough TG-2 iHS

When we reviewed the Olympus Tough TG-1 iHS last year we found it to be one of the best rugged cameras on the market. It was a compact shooter with a fast lens that could shoot deep underwater, and survive drops, pressure, and extreme temperatures?and it took great photos in all types of light. It wasn't perfect; while the lens was sharp in the center, its edge performance was disappointing, and the lens made some noise that was audible when recording movies. The Tough TG-2 iHS ($379.99 direct) is, at its heart, the same 12-megapixel camera with a few modest upgrades and a lower asking price. We haven't seen another rugged camera that could challenge the TG-1, which makes the TG-2 an easy Editors' Choice award winner.

Design and Features
The TG-2 forgoes the standard rugged point-and-shoot design, which places the lens in the top corner. In addition to making it look a bit more like a standard camera, it has the unique ability in its class to accept 40.5mm filters and conversion lenses?although you will need to grab the $20 CLA-T01 adapter to support filters. The camera itself measures 2.6 by 4.5 by 1.1 inches (HWD) and is a bit heavy at 8.1 ounces. The only other rugged camera series we've seen with a centered lens is from Pentax; its latest WG-3 GPS weighs the same, but it's a bit bigger at 2.5 by 4.9 by 1.3 inches. The TG-2 is available in versions?one is red with black accents, and the other (which we reviewed) is black with red accents.

A 4x zoom lens covers a nice 25-100mm (35mm equivalent) field of view, which is a bit wider than the 28-140mm lens built into the?Canon Power Shot D20. More impressive is its maximum f/2 aperture, which lets in about four times as much light as the D20's f/3.9 lens at its widest angle. The only other rugged cameras in this class that match the TG-2's lens in terms of light gathering are the Pentax WG-3 GPS and WG3.

The f/2 design makes it possible to shoot at faster shutter speeds without pumping up the ISO, and the wide 25mm field of view is ideal for underwater use, as refraction makes objects appear a bit closer than they actually are. If you need to shoot wider you can add a fisheye conversion lens; it sells for $140, and that includes the adapter ring necessary to mount it. There's also a teleconverter available for $130 with the adapter ring; it multiplies the effective focal length of by 1.7x, delivering a 43-170mm field of view. Both accessories can be used underwater.

The 3-inch rear display uses OLED technology rather than the more-common LCD. Even though it only has a 610k-dot resolution, most cameras in this class, including the Olympus Tough TG-830 iHS, use LCD displays with 460k dots. The OLED display is a bit punchier thanks to enhanced contrast, and it's bright enough for outdoor use, even on bright days.

The bulk of the camera's controls are to the right of the display. These include a zoom rocker, video recording button, and a four-way controller. The TG-2 also sports a Mode dial to change shooting settings?an amenity that is often excluded from tough cameras. The controls aren't perfect?you'll still have to dive into an overlay menu to adjust ISO, exposure compensation, drive mode, and some other common functions, but if you're the type of shooter who likes to use art filters or scene modes, having them readily available via the physical dial is a benefit. The camera lacks full manual control and shutter priority modes, but it does support aperture priority.

The camera is rated for underwater use up to 50 feet, which is the best that we've seen in a tough camera. It can also survive drops from heights up to 7 feet, can withstand 220 pounds of pressure, and operate in temperatures as low as 14?F. If 50 feet isn't deep enough, you can add a dedicated underwater housing to the camera. At $310 it costs nearly as much as the camera itself, but will allow you to dive and shoot all the way down to 145 feet. If your needs for a rugged camera aren't this extreme, the?Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS20 is a great bargain, although it can only hit depths of 16 feet, is outfitted with a fairly low-resolution LCD, and lacks most of the bells and whistles found on the TG-1.

In addition to a GPS, which only takes about 50 seconds to lock onto a signal, the camera has an electronic compass and a manometer. The former will point you north, and can also act as a multi-axis level to help ensure that you are holding the camera parallel to the horizon. The latter records elevation and underwater depth, and will warn you as you approach the 50-foot underwater limit.

Rounding out the camera's feature set is an LED light, positioned on the front of the camera. This serves two purposes?it speeds up the autofocus system, and can be used to add light to your subject when shooting in Macro mode. It doesn't work as well as the six-LED setup on the Pentax WG-3 GPS, but certainly comes in handy when shooting in macro mode.

Performance and ConclusionsOlympus Tough TG-2 iHS : Benchmark Tests
The TG-2 is fast. It starts and fires a shot in about 0.9-second, records a 0.1-second shutter lag, and can fire off full-resolution photos continuously at 5.3 frames per second. It's rated to keep going for 25 shots, but we managed to rattle off more than 50 without any slowdown when using a SanDisk 95MBps memory card. There are also a couple high-speed shooting modes that drop the resolution to 3 megapixels but let you grab up to 100 images at 15 or 60 frames per second. There aren't many rugged compacts that can keep up with the TG-2; of current models we've tested, the Olympus TG-830 comes closest. It starts in 1.4 seconds, can capture a burst of 16 shots at 10 frames per second, can shoot continuously at 2.5 frames per second, and its shutter lag is a respectable 0.2-second.

Like the TG-1, the TG-2's image sharpness is its weakest aspect. We tested it using?Imatest, which shows that at 25mm f/2 it only manages 1,673 lines per picture height using a center-weighted metric, shy of the 1,800 lines we use to deem an image acceptably sharp. The center sharpness is quite good, nearly 2,100 lines, but the mid-center and edge scores bring the overall rating down. You can set the camera to aperture priority and stop down to f/2.8, which we recommend doing when the light allows it. At f/2.8 the lens notched 1,795 lines; the edges were still soft, but the mid-center and center scores were high enough to bring the average up. The Pentax WG-3, which also has an f/2 lens design, does better; it manages 1,948 lines at 25mm f/2.

Imatest also measures noise, which shows up at higher ISO settings and can hurt image detail and add an unwanted graininess to photos. The TG-2 keeps noise under 1.5 percent through ISO 1600, which is impressive for a compact camera with a 1/2.3-inch sensor. Some detail is smudged at this setting, but images are still useable. The Canon PowerShot D20 is the closest we've seen to the TG-2 in terms of image quality and noise control at high ISO settings; but it only keeps noise below 1.5 percent through ISO 800.

Video is recorded in QuickTime format at 1080p60 or 720p60 quality. The footage is crisp and smooth, but the audio is another story. The sound of the lens zooming or focusing is very loud on the soundtrack. Hidden under a double-locking door are two connectors: one micro HDMI and one proprietary USB. The former lets you connect the camera to an HDTV, and the latter will let you plug it into a computer or into an outlet (using the included AC adapter) for battery charging. There's no dedicated battery charger included, so you'll have to charge in-camera unless you spend an extra $60 on the Olympus UC-90 charger. Standard SD, SDHC, and SDXC cards are supported; the card slot and the battery are in the same compartment, also protected by a double-locking door.

The TG-2 iHS is the best rugged camera that we've seen, and it's worth your money unless you already own a TG-1. Other than the increased depth rating and the addition of an aperture priority mode, the cameras are basically the same. This isn't a bad thing; the TG-1 is an excellent camera, and the TG-2 delivers the same performance at a slightly lower asking price. If $380 is too salty for your wallet, there are some good alternatives available for less money. The Olympus Tough TG-830 iHS is priced at $280 and is also an impressive performer, it just lacks a fast lens. There's also the Pentax WG-3 sells for about $300; it has a fast lens, but doesn't do as well at high ISO settings and lacks a GPS. But if you are in the market for a rugged camera, and you can afford it, the TG-2 is the way to go.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/ks85ofLwNZc/0,2817,2420057,00.asp

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Royalty pursuing hostile bid for Elan, fights Irish panel ruling

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Royalty Pharma, pursuing a hostile $8 billion takeover of Irish drugmaker Elan Corp Plc, moved on Tuesday to make sure it is not blocked by a potential $200 million share buyback and drug spinoff at the target company.

Elan, which has been resisting the advances of the U.S. investment firm for more than three months, rejected a sweetened takeover offer on Monday and said for the first time that it was assessing inquiries from other parties.

Royalty's new bid of $13 cash per share, plus an extra $2.50 depending on sales of the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri, is contingent on Elan shareholders rejecting a series of four defensive transactions. The four proposals will be put to a vote of Elan shareholders at a meeting next Monday.

Royalty sought a ruling from the Irish Takeover Panel confirming that it would not be obliged to drop out if all four proposals were approved. The panel issued a ruling last week that will make Royalty's bid null and void if Elan shareholders approve either the share buyback or the drug spin-off.

"Royalty Pharma today announces that it has reluctantly filed judicial review proceedings related to the decision of the Irish Takeover Panel," the suitor said in a statement on Tuesday.

"Royalty is concerned that the Irish Takeover Panel's decision will deprive Elan shareholders of the opportunity to consider Royalty Pharma's further increased offer."

Elan shareholders will also vote on a $1 billion deal to buy 21 percent of the royalties Theravance Inc receives from GlaxoSmithKline Plc, and the $340 million acquisition of AOP Orphan, an Austrian company that focuses on rare diseases.

Royalty has urged Elan shareholders to reject all four proposals.

Sources told Reuters on Monday that Elan has attracted the interest of a number of mid-sized drug companies.

In a letter to shareholders made public on Tuesday, Elan reiterated that Royalty's offer was grossly inadequate.

"Make no mistake. Royalty Pharma is not a pharmaceutical company. Their business model is all about buying assets on the cheap and generating value for their investors," Elan Chairman Bob Ingram said in the letter.

"Put another way, if Royalty Pharma and its shareholders win, by definition, YOU LOSE, and their shareholders capture value that rightly belongs to you."

(Reporting By Jessica Toonkel and Padraic Halpin; editing by John Wallace)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/royalty-pursuing-hostile-bid-elan-fights-irish-panel-193309512.html

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Produced By Conference: Mark Burnett Teases 'The Bible' Followup

By Tony Maglio

LOS ANGELES (TheWrap.com) - Mark Burnett was a speaker at Produced By, where he spoke with Producers Guild of America National Executive Director Vance Van Petten on Sunday.

At the end of the panel, held in the Zanuck Theater on the 20th Century Fox lot in Los Angeles, Burnett spoke about his next move in the scripted television genre:

"Roma and I clearly will do a follow-up to ?The Bible.' No question about that. Something big. We also just finished re-cutting the Jesus part of ?The Bible'."

Burnett believes that in a few years more people on Earth will have watched "The Bible" series than have not.

"It's the most important story in the history of the world," Burnett said to the room of producers. "It's completely true...I know it's true....because I feel it in me."

The March 3 debut of "The Bible," Burnett's first scripted show, brought in 13.1 million viewers. The mini-series, which covers "Genesis to Revelation" in "one grand narrative," boasted ratings that steadily hovered above the 10 million U.S. viewers mark.

The March 31 closing episode brought in an average of 11.7 million viewers over the course of its two-hour finale. Last years "Hatfields & McCoys" mini-series is the only higher-rated series for History Channel, closing with 14.3 million viewers.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/produced-conference-mark-burnett-teases-bible-followup-210253741.html

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Green Coffee Bean Extract And Weight Loss

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Chlorogenic acid does not have the same affect in brewed coffee. Purchase small cellophane gift bags at the local craft or dollar store (they are very inexpensive) that coordinates for whatever holiday you're celebrating. Oz involved 16 overweight (although not obese) people in India conducted with a researcher through the University of Scranton.

Once you hit 4 decades of age, whether you're a man or a woman, the body starts aging faster than normal, based on studies that dedicated to numerous nutrients and workout. A recent study in India with obese subjects showed a significant fat loss and extra fat reduction following capsules containing an eco-friendly coffee extract that has been high in chlorogenic acids. The Duluth, Michgan-based company, together with its decaffeinated flavored coffees, also offers a array of caffeinated coffees in order to meet every taste.

Also begin to see the PDF article, Analysis of volatile components isolated from Hawaiian green coffee beans. Today 90% of Americans drink coffee, think this Great Recession is hurting the coffee drinker? Medium roasting - The roasting process continues for nine to eleven minutes.

You can dismiss all those billboards advertising the lap band or the latest weight reduction procedure. It is really a very sturdy and solid built coffeemaker. Not this Senseo, it's one from the most affordable pod coffee makers for the market.

The demonstration scaled like a study presented eventually year's American Chemical Society Meeting in San Diego (March 2012). Would it truly be beneficial for you to get a Grind and Brew Coffee Maker? Then over a duration of time, they took 100, 200, 300 or 400 milligrams (mg) in the extract in the capsule with water.

That's why most coffee stores sell coffee in heat cups that keep your coffee warm. The new study sought to document the results of various doses of the commercial green coffee extract on the blood sugar levels of 56 people with normal blood sugar levels levels. Sixteen overweight people, aged 22 '" 46 yrs . old, cycled through three 6-week periods employing a 700 mg dose, a 1050 mg dose, as well as a placebo.

Can the chlorogenic acid in foods such as green vegetable extract help people slim down, lower blood pressure, prevent high blood glucose levels spikes, and reduce the aging process? The sugars caramelize, and some with the bitter properties are roasted out from the beans during the coffee roasting process. And should you are bothering on the way in which you may possibly undertake it, then carry out not despair since you'll definitely not do almost anything except to go in the whole piece.

If you're feeling you are bound to your goal of becoming healthier, you may want to add a little more to your normal routine. They didn't alter their exercise program. Green coffee bean extract. So stop spending your hard earned money on random weight reduction supplements and stay a part of this fat loss revolution.

About the Author:
Dino Wideman is the name individuals use to call me though I don't really like being called like that. I have actually always liked living in Puerto Rico. To ride horses is something my wife does not actually like however I do. Hiring is how I support my household and I'm doing quite great financially.
Margarito Paquin is exactly what people call him and he completely loves this name. He is a bookkeeper and he will not change it anytime quickly. Things he loves most is playing baseball and he'll be starting something else along with it. Kansas is the place he loves most and he does not plan on altering it.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Green-Coffee-Bean-Extract-And-Weight-Loss/4975927

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Police ID gunman in Calif. rampage

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) ? A woman who was critically wounded in the Santa Monica shooting spree died Sunday, bringing the total number of victims killed by the gunman to five.

Marcela Franco, 26, died of her injuries at UCLA Medical Center, according to Santa Monica College spokeswoman Tricia Ramos.

Franco had been a passenger in a Ford Explorer driven by her father, campus groundskeeper Carlos Navarro Franco, 68, who also was killed in Friday's attack. They were going to the school to buy textbooks for classes the young woman was enrolled in for the summer, president Chui L. Tsang said in a statement posted on the college's website.

"Her family was with her by her side" when she died, Tsang said.

Police Sgt. Richard Lewis confirmed the suspect's identity Sunday as John Zawahri. Meanwhile, investigators trying to determine why he planned the shooting spree focused on a deadly act of domestic violence that touched off the mayhem.

The heavily armed man's attack against his father and older brother at their home led to the violence in Santa Monica streets, lasting just a matter of minutes until he was shot to death in a chaotic scene at the college library by police.

Authorities had not immediately named the shooter or the two men found dead in the house because next of kin was out of the country and hadn't been notified. Lewis said his name was released Sunday after his mother cut her trip short and came back to the country.

Lewis said she was being interviewed by investigators.

"A big piece of the puzzle just came home," he said.

Investigators were looking at family connections to find a motive because the killer's father and brother were the first victims, an official briefed on the probe who requested anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak publicly told The Associated Press.

The husband of a woman shot during the rampage said a bullet nicked his wife's ear and she'll likely have to live with shrapnel in her shoulder. Debra Lynn Fine, 50, was released in good condition late Saturday from Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, according to a hospital statement.

Bullets missed his wife's vital organs by inches, Russell Fine told the AP Sunday.

"She will have some shrapnel for the rest of her life," he said. "One bullet clipped her right ear and took some small bit with it. She will probably have some reconstructive surgery for that."

She was resting at home.

The killer, who died a day shy of his 24th birthday, was connected to the home that went up in flames after the first shootings, said police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks. His father, identified as 55-year-old Samir Zawahri, and 24-year-old brother Christopher, lived in the house.

SWAT team officers searched the mother's Los Angeles apartment and officers interviewed neighbors about the son who lived with her, said Beverly Meadows who lives in the adjoining unit.

Public records show that Meadows' neighbor is Randa Abdou, 54, the ex-wife of Samir Zawahri and former co-owner of the house where the first shooting took place.

Lewis said a small cache of ammunition was found in a room of the burned down house.

The elder Zawahri brought his family to the neighborhood of small homes and apartment buildings tucked up against Interstate 10 in the mid-1990s, according to property records.

Not long after arriving on Yorkshire Avenue, the couple went through a difficult divorce and split custody of their two boys, said Thomas O'Rourke, a neighbor.

When the sons got older, one went to live with his mother while the other stayed with the father.

Standing next to the weapons and ammo found at multiple crime scenes, Seabrooks said at a Saturday news conference that the "cowardly murderer" planned the attack and was capable of firing 1,300 rounds.

The killer had a run-in with police seven years ago, but Seabrooks wouldn't offer more details because he was a juvenile at the time.

The gunman was enrolled at Santa Monica College in 2010, Seabrooks said.

After neighbors watched in shock as he shot at his father's house and it went up in flames, he opened fire on a woman driving by, wounding her, and then carjacked another woman.

He directed her to drive to the college, ordering her stop along the way to shoot at a city bus and people on the street. Two people on the bus were injured.

Police had received multiple 911 calls by the time the mayhem shifted to the college, a two-year school with about 34,000 students located more than a mile inland from the city's famous pier, promenade and expansive, sandy beaches.

On campus, he opened fired on a Ford Explorer driven by Navarro Franco, who plowed through a brick wall into a faculty parking lot.

Joe Orcutt heard gunshots and went to see what happened in the parking lot. He said he saw the Explorer in the brick wall and was looking for the shooter when, suddenly, there he was 30 feet away firing at people like it was target practice.

The gunman then moved on foot across campus, firing away. Students were seen leaping out windows of a classroom building and running for their lives. Others locked themselves behind doors or bolted out of emergency exits.

Trena Johnson, who works in the dean's office, heard gunshots and looked out the window and saw a man in black with a "very large gun" shoot a woman in the head outside the library. That victim was transported to a hospital, where she died.

At some point, police say the gunman dropped an Adidas duffel bag loaded with ammunition magazines, boxes of bullets and a .44 revolver. Police also found a small cache of ammunition in a room in the burned-out house.

Surveillance photos showed the gunman in black strolling past a cart of books into the library with an assault-style rifle by his side.

The shooter fired at least 70 rounds in the library. Miraculously, no one was injured until two Santa Monica police officers and a campus cop arrived and took out the shooter.

The Santa Monica College Foundation has started the Carlos Franco Family Memorial Fund.


Associated Press writer Christopher Weber contributed to this story. Tami Abdollah can be reached at: http://www.twitter.com/latams

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/police-id-gunman-deadly-santa-monica-rampage-234402448.html

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