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'American Idol' Top Four Survive, Keep The 'Family' Together For One More Week

After Thursday night's surprise reprieve, the 'Idol' top four vow to keep the family vibe alive.
By James Montgomery, with reporting by Kelly Marino

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1706385/american-idol-top-four.jhtml

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শনিবার, ২৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১৩

Renault hopes to have approval for Chinese plant by summer: CEO

PARIS (Reuters) - Renault-Nissan hopes to receive final approval from Beijing by the summer to build its first Renault plant in China, Chief Executive Carlos Ghosn said on Saturday.

Ghosn had said last month he expected final government approval for the plant by the end of the year.

"Renault already has a plan for China, which is ready, and currently being negotiated with the Chinese government, and I hope we will have all agreements before the summer," Ghosn told French radio Europe 1.

He added that French President Francois Hollande's visit to China this week would help the carmaker over the administrative hurdles.

(Reporting by Gilles Guillaume; Writing Sybille de La Hamaide; Editing by Greg Mahlich)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/renault-hopes-approval-chinese-plant-summer-ceo-091801999.html

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Source: Bombing suspect showed no fear or remorse during hospital hearing

NBC's Michael Isikoff reports on what a source, inside the hospital room with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, is telling him about Tsarnaev's interaction with investigators. NBC analyst Roger Cressey also joins to discuss what authorities are now saying about the Tsarnaev brothers' possible plans for an attack on New York City.

By Michael Isikoff, National Investigative Correspondent, NBC News

A badly wounded but awake Dzhokhar Tsarnaev showed little signs of fear or remorse during his hospital room court hearing earlier this week and his heart monitor didn?t register a blip when he was told he was facing the death penalty in the Boston Marathon bombing case, according to a source familiar with the events inside the hospital room when he was read his rights.

Tsarnaev?s face was splotched and swollen, his left hand was bandaged, and he was unable to talk during the brief court hearing presided over by U.S. Judge Marianne Bowler on Monday afternoon.

The surviving bombing suspect mouthed rather than said the word ?no? when asked if he could afford a lawyer and nodded in the affirmative when asked if he understood his rights.

But Tsarnaev appeared to fully follow the proceeding, the source said. The most telling moment, the source said, came early on when, after Tsarnaev was informed of the two charges against him, the judge asked prosecutor William Weinreb to spell out the possible penalties he was facing.

?Your honor, the maximum penalty is death,? Weinreb said, according to a public transcript of the proceeding.


Tsarnaev showed no reaction ? nor did his heart monitor register any change, the source said. ?There was no blip at all,? said the source.

But heart monitors don?t always register emotional responses ??and there is no way to tell what impact medications Tsarmaev may have been given had, according to medical experts.

There have also been conflicting reports about Tsarnaev?s mental state in the days after his capture. ?Over the weekend, he?s in and out of lucidity,? Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on MSNBC?s ?Andrea Mitchell? show on Thursday. ?He?s got ? he?s on medication, he?s talking, but he?s not talking, he?s unconscious, he?s going for medical procedures.?

But those present at the bedside court hearing were convinced that Tsarnaev was fully cognizant of the circumstances he was facing, the source said. Judge Bowler agreed. ?I find the defendant is alert, mentally competent and lucid,? she said, according to the transcript. ?He is aware of the nature of the proceedings.?

Handout / FBI via Reuters

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, has been charged in the Boston Marathon bombing.

The court proceeding erupted as a source of controversy Thursday when Rogers charged that Judge Bowler had interfered with FBI questioning of Tsarnaev ? and that the Justice Department failed to object ? when she ordered that Tsarnaev be read his rights on Monday, a day after he was charged in a then-sealed complaint at 6:47 p.m. Sunday.


FBI agents were questioning Tsarnaev ? and getting his responses in writing ? under a ?public safety exception? that allows agents to obtain information from criminal suspects for 48 hours without reading them their constitutional rights informing them they have the right to remain silent and a right to a lawyer. The information that agents got ? including the disclosure Thursday that Tsarnaev and his brother had talked about driving to Times Square to set off more bombs ? came during those sessions over the weekend.

But Rogers said Thursday that FBI agents ?weren?t quite finished with him? when Bowler directed that the court hearing take place that Monday. ?To have the court affirmatively push their way in, is ? A) I think it's wrong, and B) we should have given the FBI the time that they needed.? Justice Department officials ?have a lot of explaining to do.?

Bowler, asked by NBC News about Rogers? charges in her federal courtroom in Boston Thursday, replied: ?The court does not comment.?

A? federal law enforcement official disputed Rogers? account, telling NBC News that FBI agents had already left the hospital room and wrapped up their questioning before the court hearing took place mid-day Monday. In a statement emailed to reporters Thursday, Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd said that, after the criminal complaint was filed, the rules of criminal procedure required the judge to advice the defendant of his rights.?

?The prosecutors and FBI agents in Boston were advised of the scheduled initial appearance in advance of its occurrence,? he said.?

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Source: http://feeds.nbcnews.com/c/35002/f/653381/s/2b2f59f5/l/0Lusnews0Bnbcnews0N0C0Inews0C20A130C0A40C250C179185980Esource0Ebombing0Esuspect0Eshowed0Eno0Efear0Eor0Eremorse0Eduring0Ehospital0Ehearing0Dlite/story01.htm

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Chile arrests 4 accused of burning baby in rite

SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) ? Chilean police on Thursday arrested four people accused of burning a baby alive in a ritual because the leader of the sect believed that the end of the world was near and that the child was the antichrist.

The 3-day-old baby was taken to a hill in the town of Colliguay near the Chilean port of Valparaiso on Nov. 21 and was thrown into a bonfire. The baby's mother, 25-year-old Natalia Guerra, had allegedly approved the sacrifice and was among those arrested.

"The baby was naked. They strapped tape around her mouth to keep her from screaming. Then they placed her on a board. After calling on the spirits they threw her on the bonfire alive," said Miguel Ampuero, of the Police investigative Unit, Chile's equivalent of the FBI.

Authorities said the 12-member sect was formed in 2005 and was led by Ramon Gustavo Castillo Gaete, 36, who remains at large.

"Everyone in this sect was a professional," Ampuero said. "We have someone who was a veterinarian and who worked as a flight attendant, we have a filmmaker, a draftsman. Everyone has a university degree. "

Police said Castillo Gaete, the ringleader, was last seen traveling to Peru to buy ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic brew plant that he used to control the members of the rite.


Luis Andres Henao on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LuisAndresHenao

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chile-arrests-4-accused-burning-baby-rite-000914259.html

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Israelis celebrate 65 years of independence

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Israelis celebrated 65 years of independence on Tuesday, with over a million people pouring into national parks despite unusually blustery weather.

As flags fluttered from windows, street lamps and buildings across most of the country, families braved whipping winds and rain to indulge in the holiday's traditional pastime ? the park barbeque.

At formal state celebrations in recognition of the military, the country's leaders kicked off festivities to the tune of old pop standards, reminding their countrymen of the Jewish state's adversaries as air force jets cut across the skies of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

President Shimon Peres, who at one point sang in duet with entertainer Keren Peles, said Israel must remain vigilant of militant groups at its borders ? Lebanon's Hezbollah and Palestinian Hamas in Gaza. He also said wars fought by the Israeli army were justified.

"We overcame, because of the bravery of our soldiers. Their wars were just. Their weapons were pure. Seven times, in less than seven decades, they tried to destroy us. Seven times, we overcame and were triumphant," he said. He also described Iran's clerical leaders as "mad."

Military chief Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said Israel's army will continue to defend its citizens until "the day that peace comes."

Congratulations poured in from around the world, including from Washington.

"A free and independent Israel has had no greater friend and ally than the United States," said U.S. President Barack Obama. "Our two nations stand together because it makes our countries safer, stronger and more prosperous and it makes the world a better place," he said in a statement sent to reporters.

Meanwhile, the army closed down crossings into the country via the West Bank and Gaza Strip for Palestinians, except for humanitarian cases. It citied heightened security concerns.

The festivities, which began Monday night, come just a day after the country mourned its war dead during its annual Remembrance Day commemorations.

The striking contrast between the somberness of Remembrance Day and the joy of Independence Day is intentional, meant to remind Israelis of the sacrifices made to create and defend the Jewish state, which is then celebrated with ecstatic joy.

In one Jerusalem park, children dashed about with blue-and-white Israeli flags draped around their necks like capes while the smell of grilled meat wafted over the crowds from portable grills.

For Israel's Arab population however, there is little love for a holiday many feel has come at their expense. It was their ancestors who were vanquished in the war that gave birth to Israel in 1948, when most Palestinians fled or were forced to flee the territory.

Instead, a minority hold their own annual ceremony, gathering on the land of a Palestinian village razed during the 1948 war to commemorate their loss. Thousands on Tuesday flocked to the site of Khubeizeh, now in northeast Israel, waving the red, black, white and green Palestinian flag and denouncing the Jewish state.

To mark Independence Day, Israel's bureau of statistics reported that the country's population had just crossed over 8 million, with some 6 million Jews and 1.6 million Arabs, many who identify themselves as Palestinians.

Critics of the statistics note that the bureau does not count the some 4.2 million Palestinians under Israel's control in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


Follow Hadid on twitter.com/diaahadid

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/israelis-celebrate-65-years-independence-104249148.html

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Bombs kill more than 30 across Iraq before local poll

By Kareem Raheem

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Car bombs and blasts in cities across Iraq, including two explosions at a checkpoint outside Baghdad's international airport, killed at least 23 people on Monday days before provincial elections.

No one claimed responsibility for the attacks in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Tuz Khurmato and other towns to the north to south, but al Qaeda's local wing is waging a campaign against Shi'ites and the government to stoke sectarian confrontation.

Iraqis will vote on Saturday for members of provincial councils in a ballot that is seen as a test of political stability since the last U.S. troops withdrew in December 2011.

The ballot for nearly 450 provincial council seats will also be an important measure of Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's political muscle against his Sunni and Shi'ite rivals before a parliamentary election in 2014.

A dozen candidates have already been killed so far in campaigning, including two moderate Sunni politicians over the weekend.

Monday's attacks were mostly car bombs, including two blasts that killed two passengers at an outer checkpoint as they were on their way into the Baghdad airport site. Attacks on the heavily guarded airport and the fortified International Zone housing many embassies are rare.

"Two vehicles managed to reach the entrance of Baghdad airport and were left parked there. While we were doing routine searches, the two cars exploded seconds apart. Two passengers travelling to the airport were killed," a police source said.

The most deadly attack was in Tuz Khurmato, 170 km (105 miles) north of Baghdad, where four bombs targeting police patrols killed five people and wounded 67, officials said.


Iraqi violence has accompanied a long-running political crisis in the government that splits posts among Shi'ite, Sunni Muslim and ethnic Kurdish parties in an unwieldy, power-sharing coalition.

Critics dismiss Maliki, a former Arab-language teacher who spent many years in exile in Syria and Iran, as an autocrat who has failed to live up to power-sharing agreements. He threatens to form a majority government to end the deadlock.

Violence is down since the height of sectarian slaughter that erupted in 2006-2007 when an al Qaeda attack on a major Shi'ite shrine triggered a wave of retaliation between Sunni and Shi'ite fighters that killed thousands.

But al Qaeda's local wing, Islamic State of Iraq, and other Sunni Islamist insurgents tied to Saddam Hussein's outlawed Baath party, have managed to carry out at least one major coordinated attack a month since U.S. troops left.

Last year was first time Iraq's death toll had risen in three years and since the start of this year, al Qaeda has claimed a string of attacks, including a spike in suicide bombings on Shi'ite targets and security forces.

Ten years after the U.S.-led invasion, al Qaeda is regaining ground, especially in the western desert close to Syria's border, where it has benefited from the flow of Sunni fighters battling against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Islamic State of Iraq says it has joined forces with the al-Nusra Front rebels fighting in Syria. Sunni insurgents, especially al Qaeda, see Baghdad's Shi'ite-led government and Assad as oppressors of Sunnis. They view Shi'ites in general as apostates from true Islam.

Insurgents are also tapping into Sunni frustrations. Many Iraqi Sunnis feel sidelined since the overthrow of Saddam and the rise of the Shi'ite majority. Security experts say al Qaeda is seeking to use that as a recruiting tool among Sunnis who see themselves victimized by security forces.

(Additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed; Writing by Patrick Markey; Editing by Angus MacSwan)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/bombs-hit-cities-across-iraq-least-five-dead-060044661.html

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Violent backdrop in sports to Jackie Robinson Day

Boston Red Sox players line up for the National Anthem all wearing number 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson Day before a baseball game between the Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays at Fenway Park in Boston Monday, April 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)

Boston Red Sox players line up for the National Anthem all wearing number 42 in honor of Jackie Robinson Day before a baseball game between the Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays at Fenway Park in Boston Monday, April 15, 2013. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)

FILE - In this July 20, 1962 file photo, baseball player Jackie Robinson embraces Branch Rickey in New York. Rickey was general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers when Robinson was hired. The home area of the late baseball executive Rickey expects increased interest in his southern Ohio roots from his depiction in the movie ?42,? in which Harrison Ford plays the man who signed Jackie Robinson to challenge baseball?s color line. (AP Photo/File)

FILE - This 1963 file photo shows Branch Rickey shown dressed for southern climates when he joined the Cardinals in Florida. The home area of the late baseball executive Rickey expects increased interest in his southern Ohio roots from his depiction in the movie ?42,? in which Harrison Ford plays the man who signed Jackie Robinson to challenge baseball?s color line. (AP Photo/File)

(AP) ? Major League Baseball says Jackie Robinson Day ceremonies will remain in place at stadiums around the country, but several teams will hold moments of silence for victims of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

Players on the Red Sox and Tampa Bay Rays, like all players across baseball, wore uniforms with the No. 42 on Monday. Their game ended about an hour before the two bombings near the finish line killed two and injured more than 80.

Baseball spokesman Pat Courtney says MLB always makes security its top priority at stadiums and will continue to do so in light of what the league called a "horrible occurrence" in Boston.

Baseball is celebrating its fifth Jackie Robinson Day ? the 66th anniversary of his breaking baseball's racial barrier with the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2013-04-15-BBO-Jackie-Robinson-Day/id-d22511d6bf694286accd13ecea930b97

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Aubrey Plaza Asked To Leave MTV Movie Awards After Will Ferrell Stage-Crash

'Parks and Recreation' star joins Comedic Genius winner onstage — but the moment was anything but scripted.
By Jocelyn Vena

Will Ferrell and Aubrey Plaza at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards
Photo: Kevork Djansezian/ Getty Images

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1705649/will-ferrell-aubrey-plaza-acceptance-speech.jhtml

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Larry Summers On Progress During Gridlock - Business Insider


Larry Summers has a great piece in the Washington Post, commenting on the much-maligned Washington DC "gridlock" that's supposedly been an impediment to progress in the United States.

First he notes that gridlock is nothing new.

But more powerfully he observes what tremendous progress the U.S. has made on a number of fronts over the past five years during this famous gridlock.

The great mistake of the gridlock theorists is to suppose that progress comes from legislation, and that more legislation consistently represents more progress. While people think the nation is gripped by gridlock, consider what has happened in the past five years: Washington moved faster to contain a systemic financial crisis than any country facing such an episode has done in the past generation. Through all the fractiousness, enough change has taken place that, without further policy action, the ratio of debt to gross domestic product is expected to decline for the next five years. Beyond that, the outlook depends largely on health-care costs, but their growth has slowed to the rate of GDP growth for three years now, the first such slowdown in nearly half a century. At last, universal health care has been passed and is being implemented. Within a decade, it is likely that the United States no longer will be a net importer of fossil fuels. Financial regulation is not in a fully satisfactory place but has received its most substantial overhaul in 75 years. For the first time, most schools and teachers are being evaluated on objective metrics of performance. Same-sex marriage has become widely accepted.

It's hard not to be moved by all of that, especially compared to ? as he notes ? the stasis in Europe and Asia during this time.

Read the full piece here >


Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/larry-summers-on-progress-during-gridlock-2013-4

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Selena Gomez Brings Taste Of The World To MTV Movie Awards: Watch!

Singer performs new single 'Come & Get It' for the first time.
By Tamar Anitai

Selena Gomez performs at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards
Photo: Kevin Mazur/ WireImage

Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1705661/selena-gomez-come-get-it-mtv-movie-awards.jhtml

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Background checks for gun buyers win more backing

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., becomes emotional as he meets in his office with families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., on the day he announced that they have reached reached a bipartisan deal on expanding background checks to more gun buyers, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., becomes emotional as he meets in his office with families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., on the day he announced that they have reached reached a bipartisan deal on expanding background checks to more gun buyers, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2013. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., left, meets in his office with families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn., on the day he announced that he reached a bipartisan deal on expanding background checks to more gun buyers, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, April 10, 2013. From left are Manchin, Nelba Marquez-Greene, mother of victim Ana Marquez-Greene, and Mark and Jackie Barden, parents of victim Daniel Barden. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

(AP) ? With the Senate set to begin debate on gun control legislation this week, a proposal to expand background checks for gun buyers picked up some key Republican support over the weekend. But it may not be enough to ensure the measure is adopted.

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine issued a statement Sunday saying that she would vote for the compromise crafted by Sens. Patrick Toomey, R-Pa., and Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. The proposal requires background checks for people buying guns at gun shows and online, but exempts private gun sales.

The plan would "strengthen the background check system without in any way infringing on Second Amendment rights," Collins said. But Collins took a wait-and-see approach on the entire package, saying "it is impossible to predict at this point the final composition of the overall legislation."

Arizona Sen. John McCain, who has a B+ rating from the National Rifle Association, said he was "very favorably disposed" to the Manchin-Toomey compromise. It was in McCain's home state that a gunman with schizophrenia shot then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head during a 2011 rampage in Tucson that left six people killed.

Even with their support, the vote on the measure ? expected as early as Wednesday ? will be close.

"It's an open question as to whether or not we have the votes," Toomey said.

Asked how many votes he thought he had now, Manchin said, "Well, we're close. We need more."

Collins and Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois are the only two Republicans besides Toomey who are expected to vote for the compromise as of now.

It will take 60 votes to pass, meaning that more Republicans will have to come on board because some Democrats from gun-friendly states are expected to oppose the measure.

The measure requires background checks for people buying guns at gun shows and online. Background checks currently apply only to transactions handled by the country's 55,000 licensed gun dealers. Private transactions, such as a sale of a gun between family members, would still be exempt.

Advocates say the measures would make it harder for criminals and the mentally ill to get weapons.

Opponents argue that the restrictions would violate the Constitution's right to bear arms and would be ignored by criminals.

Manchin urged lawmakers to read the 49-page proposal.

"If you are a law-abiding gun owner, you're going to like this bill," Manchin said. "Now, if you're a criminal or if you've been mentally adjudicated and you go to a gun show or try to buy a gun online, you might not like this bill because you can't do it."

Manchin later noted that one gun rights group, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, has announced support for his plan.

And later Sunday, the Manchin-Toomey compromise was endorsed by the Independent Firearms Owners Association, a pro-gun group that is smaller and more moderate than the NRA.

The bill is the right way to "stand firm in defense of our constitutional rights and the security of our fellow citizens," said the group's president, Richard Feldman, a former NRA official.

The senators' agreement actually includes language expanding firearms rights by easing some restrictions on transporting guns across state lines, protecting sellers from lawsuits if buyers passed a background check but later used a gun in a crime and letting gun dealers conduct business in states where they don't live.

The compromise, if successful, would be added to broader gun control legislation to strengthen laws against illegal gun trafficking and to slightly increase school security aid.

Other additions to the legislation also are expected to be debated this week, including a measure that would allow concealed hand gun permits issued by one state to be accepted nationwide as a de facto background check.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said on several news shows that concealed weapons permits should be applied nationally. He also called for more prosecution of people that are trying to buy guns and fail a background check.

The Senate is also expected to consider, and reject, Democratic amendments to ban assault weapons and ammunition magazines carrying more than 10 rounds.

Manchin and Toomey were on CNN's "State of the Union" and CBS' "Face the Nation." McCain was on CNN.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2013-04-15-Gun%20Control/id-fd1cef79870047baa4e859d61d5cbc85

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Spaceflight conference: No NASA reps, but Sigourney Weaver is there

NASA banned employees from attending the annual National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs. But 'Alien' star Sigourney Weaver will be there.

By Clara Moskowitz,?Space.com / April 8, 2013

Actress Sigourney Weaver will appear at the National Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colo., on April 11.

ROBERT HARBISON / The Christian Science Monitor


The largest gathering of spaceflight industry stars of the year will convene in Colorado this week for the 29th annual National Space Symposium.

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While the convention, which runs from ?will include leaders from the private space industry, the U.S. military, and international space agencies, a notable segment of its usual attendance will be missing: NASA employees.

The U.S. space agency has expressly forbidden NASA employees from attending the conference on the agency's dime, citing funding concerns under the federal budget sequester. Prominent NASA officials, including the agency's administrator Charles Bolden, who were scheduled to speak at this year's conference have had to bow out.

"We know a lot of people from NASA are really disappointed; they were planning a pretty good presence,"said Janet Stevens, vice president of marketing and communications for the Space Foundation, which sponsors the National Space Symposium. The move sparked a vociferous protest from many in the space industry. [Now Boarding: The Top 10 Private Spaceships]

"We've heard a lot of people say they didn?t think it was the right way to go," Stevens told SPACE.com. "But a lot of people understand what they're up against and we understand that they are trying to make a statement."

Despite NASA's absence, roughly the same number of people ? about 9,000 ? are expected to attend this year's National Space Symposium as last year's. The conference is held every year at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs.

"We do have a much higher number of local Air Force folks attending," Stevens said, pointing out that the U.S. Air Force Space Command is headquartered in Colorado Springs. "The other primarily reason that's helped stabilize us is that our international and commercial involvement keeps growing."

The convention will feature panels on the biggest space issues of the day, such as using satellites for responding to disasters on Earth, the push toward reusable rockets, and long-term sustainability of space activities.

Notable speakers include George Nield, associate administrator for commercial space transportation at the Federal Aviation Administration, Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general of the European Space Agency, and Yasushi Horikawa, chairman of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Officials from commercial space leaders such as SpaceX, Boeing, XCOR Aerospace, Sierra Nevada Space Systems and others, will also speak.

Actress Sigourney Weaver, star of the "Alien" films among others, will be the featured speaker at the Space Technology Hall of Fame gala on April 11. "She's got a lot of interests that coincide with ours, supporting education, supporting the environment," Stevens said. "And a part of her history as an actor is playing some pretty iconic space roles."

Visit SPACE.com this week for coverage from the 29th annual National Space Symposium.

Follow Clara Moskowitz on Twitter?and Google+. Follow us?@Spacedotcom, Facebook?and Google+. Original article on?SPACE.com.

Copyright 2013 SPACE.com, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/science/~3/J1ioES-GPcc/Spaceflight-conference-No-NASA-reps-but-Sigourney-Weaver-is-there

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It's a harrowing walk through the heart of darkness.

Saskia Rosendahl gives an impressively poised performance as the beautiful teenager, whose determination to protect her remaining family coincides with her growing revulsion toward her parents.

"Lore" is not a pretty story, but it is a good and sadly believable one.

"Lore" is not a love story, nor the story of a friendship. Rather, it's a story of healing and of how breaking, sometimes painfully, is often necessary before that process can begin.

A fiercely poetic portrait of a young woman staggering beyond innocence and denial, it's about the wars that rage within after the wars outside are lost.

Full of surprises, the movie draws a thin line between pity and revulsion - how would you feel if you had discovered your whole life had been based on lies?

Texture and detail embellish a provocative story

Child of Nazi parents faces an uncertain future

[Director Cate] Shortland directs with an almost hypnotic focus, favoring Lore's immediate experience over the big picture.

Rosendahl's performance is raw and compelling, as Lore fights for her siblings' survival and grows up in a hurry.

Lore and her siblings make a harrowing journey across Germany

Worthwhile, but so subtle that it's frustrating.

The Australian-German co-production takes an unconventional tale and turns it into a challenging, visually stunning and emotionally turbulent film experience.

Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go. Except this ain't no fairy tale... unless it is, perhaps, a hint of the beginnings of a new mythology of ... scary childhood and even scarier adolescence...

With a child's perspective on war, "Lore" deserves comparisons with "Empire of the Sun" and "Hope and Glory," and with a feisty female protagonist it stands virtually alone.

Rosendahl...provides both narrative and emotional continuity to a film whose deliberate pace and fragmented presentation of reality might otherwise prove exasperating.

A burning portrait of consciousness and endurance, gracefully acted and strikingly realized, producing an honest sense of emotional disruption, while concluding on a powerful note of cultural and familial rejection.

Although there are moments that push the story a bit beyond credulity, Shortland has created something remarkable by forcing us to find within ourselves sympathy for this would-be Aryan princess.

Stunning, admirable and indelible - truthfully chronicling the triumph of the human spirit - in a class with Michael Haneke's 'The White Ribbon.'

Can we spare some sympathy or hope for the children of villains, even if they too show signs of their parents' evil? Lore provides no easy answers.

The portrait is miniature and yet indelible, a ghostly reminder of the 20th century.

No quotes approved yet for Lore. Logged in users can submit quotes.

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/lore/

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Podcast: Video marketing made easy | Flying Solo

Chris Savage is the Co-Founder and CEO of Wistia ? a smart and simple video marketing and hosting service.?

His Twitter profile outlines his obsessions as: marketing, analytics, IPAs, coffee, and ping pong. But what he?s known for is his passion for video marketing. As he says ?Every business that I have seen that has invested in video, has done better for it.?

In this episode of the?Small Business Big Marketing Show, Tim Reid?asks Chris why the small business owner should invest in video an how to go about creating engaging video so your business reaps the rewards.

In this fireside chat with Chris, Tim finds out whether video killed the radio star, how small business owners can implement a killer content-marketing strategy and in short, all things Wistia.

Chris answers the following questions:

  • How can I create a video for my small business?
  • What sort of content should I put in my video?
  • Is it for everyone?
  • Does it have to be high quality?
  • Would I really build authority & trust?
  • Do I need a dedicated space or studio? And plenty more.

The key tips are:

  • Include a call to Action
  • Utilise the Custom Designed Holding Frame
  • Make it short, 1-3 minutes
  • Have one message per video
  • Get Yourself on Camera
  • Focus on making content about stuff you teach

Remember: ?Advertising is what you do when you can?t go and see someone?. ? Fairfax M Cone

Video is an emotional medium ? it replaces the interaction that used to be a normal part of business before the days of online, e-commerce shopping carts. Video is an absolutely fantastic way to build relationships and emotional connections with your customers.

OK team, keep your content radar on, grab your smartphone and make some videos!

About these podcasts: The Small Business, Big Marketing?podcasts are characterised by plenty of chit chat from Tim who'll typically kick off with nuggets of advice and tell shaggy dog stories before diving in to the episode's topic. Sit back, relax and enjoy!?

Duration:?46:59 minutes?

Links to resources mentioned in the show:?http://smallbusinessbigmarketing.com/video-marketing-wistia/

To subscribe to this show in iTunes, please head here.


Tim Reid

Tim Reid is the host of the Small Business Big Marketing Show that discusses how other small business owners from around the world go about their marketing. It's fun, entertaining and always full of helpful ideas and insights for you to apply to your business....immediately!

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Free Membership takes seconds to activate and lets you participate in the community by connecting with other members online and via meet ups and events, gain exposure through commenting on articles and posting on the forums, access member-only downloads and receive our popular email newsletters. That?s on top of hundreds of?articles, videos and podcasts.

Join Flying Solo today.

Source: http://www.flyingsolo.com.au/technology/podcasting-and-video-tips/podcast-video-marketing-made-easy

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Insight: Once a landlord's serf, a Pakistani woman enters election fray

By Matthew Green

HYDERABAD, Pakistan (Reuters) - When Veero Kolhi made the asset declaration required of candidates for Pakistan's May elections, she listed the following items: two beds, five mattresses, cooking pots and a bank account with life savings of 2,800 rupees ($28).

While she may lack the fortune that is the customary entry ticket to Pakistani politics, Kolhi can make a claim that may resonate more powerfully with poor voters than the wearily familiar promises of her rivals.

For Kolhi embodies a new phenomenon on the campaign trail - she is the first contestant to have escaped the thrall of a feudal-style land owner who forced his workers to toil in conditions akin to modern-day slavery.

"The landlords are sucking our blood," Kolhi told Reuters at her one-room home of mud and bamboo on the outskirts of the southern city of Hyderabad.

"Their managers behave like pimps - they take our daughters and give them to the landlords."

To her supporters, Kolhi's stand embodies a wider hope that the elections - Pakistan's first transition between elected civilian governments - will be a step towards a more progressive future for a country plagued by Islamic militancy, frequent political gridlock and the worsening persecution of minorities.

To skeptics, the fact that Kolhi has no realistic chance of victory is merely further evidence that even the landmark May 11 vote will offer only a mirage of change to a millions-strong but largely invisible rural underclass.

Yet there is no doubt that hers is a remarkable journey.

A sturdy matriarch in her mid-50s who has 20 grandchildren, Kolhi -- a member of Pakistan's tiny Hindu minority -- is the ultimate outsider in an electoral landscape dominated by wealthy male candidates fluent in the art of back room deals.

Possessed of a ready, raucous laugh, but unable to write more than her name, Kolhi was once a "bonded laborer," the term used in Pakistan for an illegal but widely prevalent form of contemporary serfdom in which entire families toil for years to pay often spurious debts.

Since making her escape in the mid-1990s, Kolhi has lobbied the police and courts to release thousands of others from the pool of indebted workers in her native Sindh province, the vast majority of whom are fellow Hindus.

On April 5, Kolhi crossed a new threshold in her own odyssey when she stood on the steps of a colonial-era courthouse in Hyderabad and brandished a document officials had just issued, authorizing her to run for the provincial assembly.

With no rival party to back her, Kolhi's independent run may make barely a dent at the ballot box in Sindh, a stronghold of President Asif Ali Zardari's ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP).

But her beat-the-odds bravado has lit a flame for those who adore her the most: families she has helped liberate from lives as vassals.

"Once I only drank black tea, but now I am free I can afford tea with milk," said Thakaro Bheel, who escaped from his landlord a decade ago and now lives in Azad Nagar, a community of former bonded laborers on the edge of Hyderabad. "These days I make my own decisions. All that is thanks to Veero."


Like millions of the landless, Kolhi's ordeal began a generation ago when drought struck her home in the Thar desert bordering India, forcing her parents to move to a lusher belt of Sindh in search of work harvesting sunflowers or chilies.

Kolhi was married as a teenager but her husband fell into debt and she was forced to work 10-hour days picking cotton, gripped by a fear that their landlord might choose a husband for Ganga, her daughter, who would soon be ten years old.

One night Kolhi crept past armed guards and walked barefoot to a village to seek help. Her husband was beaten as punishment for her escape, Kolhi said, but she managed to contact human rights activists who wrote to police on her behalf.

Officers were reluctant to confront the landlord but they relented after Kolhi staged a three-day hunger strike at their station. More than 40 people were freed.

"I was very scared, but I hoped that I could win freedom for myself and my family," said Kolhi. "That's why I kept on running."

Now Kolhi spends her days careering along dirt roads in a battered Suzuki minivan decorated with stickers of Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Latin American revolutionary, on her quest for votes. Her only luxury: Gold Leaf, a brand of cigarette. Her only campaign equipment: an old megaphone.

While Kolhi clearly enjoys meeting supporters - greeting women by placing two palms on their bowed heads in a traditional gesture of protection - she has still only reached a fraction of her constituency's 133,000 voters.

The favorite remains Sharjeel Memon, an influential businessman and PPP stalwart. Memon was not available for comment.


Despite the struggle Kolhi faces, the fact she is able to run at all has emboldened campaigners for workers' rights in Sindh.

Even remote areas of the province have not been immune to the influence of a more assertive media and judiciary that have reshaped national politics during tumultuous years following a 1999 army coup and a transition to democracy in 2008.

"The landlords are afraid of court cases so they do not abuse and torture people as much as before," said Lalee Kolhi, another former bonded laborer turned activist, who is no relation to Veero Kolhi.

Yet in some areas, land owners can still exploit a symbiotic relationship with the bureaucracy, police and courts to deprive workers of rights and attempt to sway their votes.

Although Veero Kolhi works with a local organization that says it has helped rescue some 26,000 indebted workers in the last 12 years, several estimates put the total figure of bonded laborers in Pakistan at roughly eight million.

Not all landlords are tyrants, but the arrival last month of an extended family of 63 share-croppers at Azad Nagar, the village for freed workers, provided a glimpse of the timeworn tricks they use to ensure debts keep on growing.

Lakhi Bheel produced a scrap torn from an exercise book that declared he had accumulated obligations of 99,405 rupees after toiling for three years.

Bheel said he had decided to make a break for freedom after the land owner threatened to sell the family's daughters in return for bride prices.

"I didn't eat meat once in three years," Bheel said, adding that shotgun-toting guards had sometimes roughed up workers. "We had to pay half the salaries of the men who were beating us."

Kolhi's supporters say the only way to end the oppression in Sindh would be to give destitute workers their own plots of land. But as long as the feudal class retains political influence, talk of land reform remains taboo.

Undaunted, Kolhi -- bedecked in a garland of red roses and jasmine -- launched her shot at office with an ultimatum.

"First we will ask the landlords to obey the law, and if they refuse we will take them to court," she said, her voice rising with emotion. "We will continue our struggle until the last bonded laborer is freed."

(Editing by Raju Gopalakrishnan)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/insight-once-landlords-serf-pakistani-woman-enters-election-034349719.html

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Newtown mom makes heart-wrenching plea on gun laws

By Roberta Rampton

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Francine Wheeler blinked past her tears, looked straight into the camera and asked Americans to push for tougher gun laws, drawing on courage she said comes from the memory of her 6-year-old son, Ben, murdered in his first-grade classroom in Newtown, Connecticut.

"His boundless energy kept him running across the soccer field long after the game was over," said Wheeler, describing her son during what is usually President Barack Obama's weekly Saturday address to the nation.

"He couldn't wait to get to school every morning," she said, her voice breaking, her husband David beside her, sighing and swallowing hard.

The address was the culmination of a week of emotional pleas in Washington from families of the 26 people killed by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14.

"To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday," Wheeler said, recounting the horror of waiting at the firehouse after the shooting "for the boy who would never come home."

The massacre has spurred Obama to propose new restrictions on guns - politically difficult measures in a country where constitutional rights to own guns are defended by powerful lobby groups like the National Rifle Association.

Obama brought the Newtown families to Washington on Monday aboard Air Force One after he gave a speech in Connecticut urging action on his plans.

Obama's proposals to ban more types of military-style assault weapons like the one used in Connecticut and to limit the capacity of ammunition magazines appear to have a slim chance of clearing the Senate.

Even proposals widely supported by Americans - more background checks for gun sales and tougher penalties for gun trafficking - were at risk of faltering.

This week the Wheelers and other families of victims met with senators to urge them to support new laws. On Wednesday Senator Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat and strong supporter of gun rights, was moved to tears by their stories.

"I feel Ben's presence filling me with courage for what I have to do - for him and all the others taken from us so violently and too soon," Wheeler said in the address, which was broadcast on radio stations and streamed on the Internet.

There were signs of progress this week, she said. Two conservative senators crafted a breakthrough deal to expand background checks, and others backed away from trying to block any debate on the measures.

"But that's only the start," Wheeler said. "They haven't yet passed any bills that will help keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. And a lot of people are fighting to make sure they never do."

Next week the Senate will begin what is expected to be weeks of debate on gun legislation. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives is waiting to see what the Senate approves before it begins work on the issue.

(Reporting by Roberta Rampton; editing by Xavier Briand)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/newtown-mom-makes-heart-wrenching-plea-u-gun-100423230.html

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America's Fattest Cities: 24/7 Wall St.

24/7 Wall St.:

Obesity may be the most closely followed health care issue in the United States. The rate of obesity has increased dramatically in the past two decades, growing from 13% in 1960 to 34% nationally. As a result, costs associated with treating obesity have exploded. Obesity was estimated to cost $190 billion annually in additional medical expenses, or more than 20% of health care spending, and double earlier figures, according to a study published last year in the Journal of Health Economics.

In general, obesity rates remain high in several areas of the country, including much of southern Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and West Virginia, and the shrinking cities of the industrial Rust Belt. Based on data published in the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 11 metropolitan areas with the highest obesity rates. For the second year in a row, McAllen, Texas, had the highest obesity rate and Boulder, Colo. had the lowest.

Click here to see America?s fattest cities

Poverty and educational attainment are among the greatest predictors and have a direct bearing on the incidence of obesity. Of the 11 cities, eight have a higher poverty rate than the national rate of 15.9%. In McAllen, Texas, the city with the highest obesity rate, 37.7% of adults lived below the poverty line. All 11 cities also have lower percentages of adults with bachelor?s degrees than the nationwide rate. By contrast, all the cities with the lowest rates of obesity had better educational attainment than the national average rate, and nine also had poverty rates below the national rate.

According to Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index research director Dan Witters, low educational attainment and high poverty rates can encourage poor decisions that make obesity more likely. ?As education is lower, health literacy is lower,? Witters explained, meaning that America?s poor are frequently uninformed about healthy behavior.

He also noted that people also are less likely to make healthy choices, like maintaining a good diet and regular exercise, if they cannot afford them. Witters describes low health literacy and low income as an ?unholy duo, where people are making easy, inexpensive, and high-calorie choices for their food.?

As might be expected, people in the cities with the highest obesity rates are much less likely to exercise regularly. In nine of the metro areas with the highest obesity rates, a smaller proportion of of residents reported exercising at least 30 minutes per day, three days per week, than the national rate. To make matters worse, people in these cities are much more likely to smoke. More than 25% of residents in five of the 11 cities reported smoking, compared to the 19.2% nationwide.

The cities with the highest obesity rates also tended to eat poorly. A majority had a smaller proportion of residents that reported eating healthy all day, compared to the national rate of 66.5%. Part of this has to do with the availability of healthy food. According to the USDA data on food access, it is extremely difficult to buy affordable healthy food in large parts of these metro areas.

These poor diets and exercise predictably have led to disastrous health consequences. The majority of the cities struggling with obesity have higher than average rates of heart attacks and residents suffering from hypertension. All 11 had above-average rates of diabetes, and six were in the top 10% among all metro areas. Residents of these cities also were much more likely to experience pain, joint and knee pain in particular.

24/7 Wall St. reviewed the 11 metropolitan statistical areas with the highest percentages of residents that reported in 2012 having a body mass index of 30 or higher, as measured in the Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index. We also reviewed a wide range of data collected as part of the well-being index for the 189 metro areas measured. These include health outcomes such as diabetes and hypertension rates, exercise and healthy eating, and smoking. We also considered poverty rates, income and educational attainment from the U.S. Census Bureau for 2011, the most recent available data. We also looked at census tracts in these areas identified by the USDA as low income and low access areas for food, where residents have low income and live 1 mile (in urban areas) or 10 miles (in rural areas) from a grocery store or supermarket.

These are America?s fattest cities, according to 24/7 Wall St.:

  • 11. Erie, Penn.

    11. Erie, Penn. > Pct. obese: 32.5% (tied for 10th highest) > Pct. with high blood pressure: 28.5% (93rd highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 45.2% (3rd lowest) > Poverty rate: 16.4% (181st lowest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 24.2% (164th lowest) One of the big problems for Erie that contributes to its high obesity rate is a lack of exercise. Just 45.2% of Erie residents claimed that they exercised at least 30 minutes a day for at least three days during the past week, lower than all but two metro areas surveyed by Gallup-Healthways. While as many as 93.6% of residents said it was easy to get fruits and vegetables ? among the top third of all metro areas ? only 90.1% said it was easy to find a safe place to exercise ? among the bottom third of all metro areas. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 10. Beaumont-Port Arthur, Texas

    > Obesity rate: 32.5% (tied for 10th highest) > Pct. with high blood pressure: 33.3% (29th highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 52.2% (79th lowest) > Poverty rate: 17.6% (135th highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 15.7% (27th lowest) Not only were Beaumont metro area residents among the most obese in 2012, but they also ranked as some of the most physically unhealthy Americans in the nation. Only 73.5% of those surveyed noted they had no health problems that kept them from age-appropriate activities, among the worst rates in the nation. Similarly, more than 15% had diabetes ? also among the worst rates. Beaumont area residents also do not tend to practice healthy behaviors. Just 56.6% of respondents told Gallup they ate healthy all day, the second-worst rate in the nation. Additionally, there are large parts of both Beaumont and Port Arthur where residents live far from any source of healthy and affordable food, such as grocery stores. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 9. Reading, Penn.

    > Obesity rate: 32.8% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 31.2% (52nd highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 46.4% (7th lowest) > Poverty rate: 13.7% (85th lowest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 23.0% (145th lowest) In 2012, Reading had one of the highest obesity rates in the nation for the third year in a row. As many as 6% of residents surveyed stated they had experienced a heart attack, the 10th highest percentage for any metro area in the United States. Residents also were more likely than the majority of Americans to have high blood pressure and cholesterol. When it comes to healthy behavior, just 46.4% of residents exercised at least three times per week for 30 minutes, among the worst rates in the nation. However, residents were more likely than most people surveyed to report easy access to affordable fruits and vegetables. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 8. Charleston, W.Va.

    > Obesity rate: 32.9% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 41.1% (2nd highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 49.0% (25th lowest) > Poverty rate: 18.2% (118th highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 21.8% (124th lowest) Charleston?s high obesity rate has led to significant health problems among the area?s residents. More than 41% reported high blood pressure, more than all but one metro area. In addition, 6.3% of the adult population had experienced a heart attack, the fifth-highest percentage of all metro areas, while 37.1% of the population had recurring pain in their knee or leg, more than all but two metro areas. More than 32% of the population smoked as of 2012, more than all other metro areas. Just 84.8% of the population reported that was easy to find affordable fruits and vegetables, the third-lowest percentage of all metro areas. Meanwhile, less than 82% of respondents said it was easy to find a safe place to exercise, the lowest rate in the country. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 7. Toledo, Ohio

    > Obesity rate: 33.0% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 29.1% (85th highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 55.0% (59th highest) > Poverty rate: 20.2% (66th highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 23.5% (154th lowest) Toledo residents were more likely than most Americans to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure or diabetes, or to have suffered a heart attack. Among the problems facing Toledo, 10.4% of residents stated they lacked access to a safe place to exercise, versus 8% nationally. Residents also were more likely than most Americans to smoke, with 23.5% of people surveyed in the area reporting they smoked, versus 19.2% nationwide. Toledo had a 20.2% poverty rate in 2011, well above the national rate of 15.9%. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 6. Myrtle Beach-North Myrtle Beach-Conway, S.C.

    > Obesity rate: 33.1% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 40.9% (3rd highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 55.8% (46th highest) > Poverty rate: 18.9% (98th highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 24.4% (169th lowest) Nearly 41% of the adult residents in the Myrtle Beach metropolitan area reported having high blood pressure, the third-highest percentage of all metro areas in the nation. Moreover, 17.5% of the adult population has been told they have diabetes, more than all but one metro area. Lack of medical care could be exacerbating the obesity problem. As many as 21.7% of the population did not have health insurance in 2011, the second worst rate in the country and almost triple the national average. Access to affordable, healthy food is inadequate in the areas in and around both Myrtle Beach and Conway. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 5. Hagerstown-Martinsburg, Md.-W.Va

    > Obesity rate: 33.4% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 33.8% (26th highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 49.7% (30th lowest) > Poverty rate: 13.6% (84th lowest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 19.2% (81st lowest) Hagerstown residents rated poorly for practicing healthy behaviors. Less than 61% of those surveyed ate healthy all day, and less than half exercised regularly ? both worse than the majority of metro areas. However, respondents were nearly as likely to report access to affordable, healthy food as most Americans, and were more likely to report they had access to a safe place to exercise. As of 2011, just 19.2% of adult residents were college graduates, versus 28.5% nationally. Hagerstown was among the top 20% nationwide for diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks and high cholesterol rates. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 4. Mobile, Ala.

    > Obesity rate: 33.7% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 35.6% (12th highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 52.6% (86th lowest) > Poverty rate: 19.4% (84th highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 20.2% (102nd lowest) The Mobile metropolitan areas is poorer than most, which may contribute to its high obesity. The poverty rate in 2011 of 19.4%, while far from the highest, was well above the 15.9% across the country. Meanwhile, the median household income of $42,372 was more than $8,000 less than the national median. Worse, only 71.4% of the population said they had all the money they needed to buy food at all times in the past 12 months, less than all but two other metropolitan areas. Approximately 35.6% of the population were told they had high blood pressure, while 14.1% of the population were diagnosed with diabetes, both among the highest percentages of all metro areas surveyed. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 3. Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, Ark.

    > Obesity rate: 34.7% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 37.3% (5th highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 52.7% (87th lowest) > Poverty rate: 14.7% (118th lowest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 27.9% (132nd highest) Just 58.9% of Little Rock area residents claimed they ate healthy all day, one of the lowest rates in the United States. The lack of healthy eating may partially be attributable to the fact that large parts of Little Rock do not have nearby access to healthy, affordable food. Like many metro areas, the high obesity rate likely has contributed to the area residents? poor overall health. More than 37% of the adult population has been told they have high blood pressure, the fifth-highest percentage of all metro areas. More than 28% of the adult population had recurring pain in the knee or leg, among the highest of all metro areas surveyed. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 2. Huntington-Ashland, W.Va., Ky.

    > Obesity rate: 37.7% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 43.3% (the highest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 46.5% (8th lowest) > Poverty rate: 19.9% (72nd highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 18.8% (74th lowest) Only 67% of those surveyed in the Huntington area stated they had no health problems preventing them from participating in normal activities, tied for the worst percentage in the nation with Charleston, W.Va. Just 77% of residents stated they had enough energy to do what they wanted in the past day, also the lowest percentage in the nation. Additionally, more than 43% of residents had high blood pressure, while 8.9% of those surveyed had experienced a heart attack, in both cases the highest rates in the nation. Just 87.5% of residents claimed they had access to a safe place to exercise, one of the lowest rates in the country. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

  • 1. McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas

    > Obesity rate: 38.5% > Pct. with high blood pressure: 26.6% (57th lowest) > Pct. exercise regularly: 52.2% (79th lowest) > Poverty rate: 37.7% (the highest) > Pct. with at least bachelors degree: 16.0% (30th lowest) McAllen was the fattest metropolitan area in the country in 2012, with 38.5% of the adult population considered obese. The high obesity rate has likely contributed to area residents? poor health. More than 21% of the population has been diagnosed with diabetes, more than any other metro area in the United States. Poverty may play a large role in the community?s health problems as well. The metro region had the highest poverty rate in the country, with 37.7% of the population living below the poverty line in 2011. More than 17% of the population also lacked health coverage that year, among the highest of all U.S. metro areas. The vast majority of the McAllen metro area is located in a food desert, indicating a severe lack of access to healthy foods for residents. <a href="http://247wallst.com/2013/04/12/americas-fattest-cities/#ixzz2QHOMNHLn" target="_blank">Read more at 24/7 Wall St.</a>

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/13/americas-fattest-cities-2_n_3071707.html

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