শুক্রবার, ৩০ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Garbage bug may help lower the cost of biofuel

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? One reason that biofuels are expensive to make is that the organisms used to ferment the biomass cannot make effective use of hemicellulose, the next most abundant cell wall component after cellulose. They convert only the glucose in the cellulose, thus using less than half of the available plant material.

"Here at the EBI and other places in the biofuel world, people are trying to engineer microbes that can use both," said University of Illinois microbiologist Isaac Cann. "Most of the time what they do is they take genes from different locations and try and stitch all of them together to create a pathway that will allow that microbe to use the other sugar."

Cann and Rod Mackie, also a U of I microbiologist, have been doing research at the Energy Biosciences Institute on an organism that they think could be used to solve this problem.

Mackie, a long-distance runner, found the microbe in the garbage dump of a canning plant while running in Hoopeston, Ill., in 1993. He noticed that the ground was literally bubbling with microbial activity and took samples. He and his son Kevin, who was in high school at the time, isolated microbes from the samples.

Among these was a bacterium that was later named Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus. "We found many exciting enzymes from this organism," said Cann, who joined the project when he came to Mackie's lab as a postdoctoral researcher.

Specifically, the bacterium contains all of the proteins and enzymes needed to break down xylan, which is the most common hemicellulose, and then to transport the fragments into the cell and metabolize them. All of the genes are located in a single cluster on the microbe's genome.

"So instead of taking a piece from here and from there and stitching them together, we can just take this part of the gene," Cann explained. "You can cut this and put it into another microbe."

On the surface of the cell, there is an enzyme that cuts the xylan into small pieces and a protein that binds to the pieces and brings them inside the cell. Enzymes within the cell metabolize the sugar.

The reason that this microbe, unlike most others used to make biofuels, is able to degrade xylan is that it has evolved an enzyme that allows it to remove the side chains, or decorations, that are part of xylan's structure. They hinder the degradation process by preventing complete accessibility of the enzymes to the sugar chain.

Once the side chains have been removed, another enzyme in the microbe breaks the sugar chain down into single sugars, or xylose. Other enzymes within the cell then metabolize the xylose.

Having the enzymes next to each other on the genome is convenient for scientists who are working on engineering microbes that can degrade both cellulose and hemicellulose. The cluster could be designed as a cassette and put into a microbe that normally degrades only cellulose.

Moreover, being next to each other allows them to work efficiently. "You have a set of enzymes that have co-evolved," Cann explained. "If they have co-evolved over millions of years, it means they have been fine-tuned to work together."

Another advantage of Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus is that it is a thermophilic bacterium, and its enzymes are resistant to temperatures as high as 70 degrees Celsius. Biofuel fermentation is usually done at 37 degrees Celsius, a temperature at which most microbes can survive. This means that the material in the fermentation vats is easily contaminated.

The next step for Cann and his collaborators is to develop techniques for transferring this gene cluster, which is quite large, into microbes.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Y. Han, V. Agarwal, D. Dodd, J. Kim, B. Bae, R. I. Mackie, S. K. Nair, I. K. O. Cann. Biochemical and Structural Insights into Xylan Utilization by the Thermophilic Bacterium Caldanaerobius polysaccharolyticus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2012; 287 (42): 34946 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M112.391532

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/matter_energy/biochemistry/~3/XufLkVJ8MJQ/121129162149.htm

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Online personal training startup Wello packs a punch with $1 million ...


Some impressive investors including Mayo Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Mohr Davidow and Aberdare Ventures have thrown $1 million in seed money behind an ambitious Rock Health fitness startup by the name of Wello.

The startup has created an online marketplace that connects physical trainers with clients and enables live, online personal training via video chat.

The seed round, which also saw contributions from Morado Ventures, S-Cubed Capital, PhilQuo Ventures and angel investors, will propel the startup as it readies to launch a new offering early next year.

Right now, Wello facilitates personalized, one-on-one training sessions between consumers and more than 150 certified physical trainers. The next step is to launch fitness classes led by those trainers so that users can do joint sessions with family or friends in different places, or join a structured class with others who are interested in the same activity and are available at the same time. That would bring down the cost of a session, co-founder Leslie Silverglide noted, which ranges from $35 to $199 per hour depending on the trainer.

For consumers, the value proposition is obvious: more motivation to work out and help from someone who knows what they?re doing, without having to leave home. The site lets users search for trainers based on style and specialty. For trainers, Wello provides an additional revenue stream and the potential to fill typically unbooked hours during the day with appointments. Trainers are screened by the company?s on-staff personal trainer and must take a class on how to train through video.

Wello takes a part of the per-session payment, but not nearly as much as the up-to-80 percent that gyms take from trainers? fees, Silverglide said. That enables trainers to charge less for a session.

Silverglide and co-founder Ann Scott Plante met as business students at Stanford University and started working on the site at the beginning of 2011. They launched it in a private beta mode in March of this year and publicly in July.

They won?t say just how many people are using the site, but they will say that those that use it tend to return. ?Two-thirds of people that try a session once will come on and try it again,? Plante said, adding that some customers have already done up to 50 sessions in the four months the site has been live.

As far as competition goes, the closest thing to Wello appears to be HealthFleet Inc., a Connecticut e-coaching startup for weight loss. But Wello is probably tapping into the same pool of people who would use services or mobile tools that track and personalize health recommendations like FitKit, Healthrageous and Enforcer eCoaching.

Although the founders are spending their time in Rock Health?s incubator program developing and preparing to launch the new features next year, they aren?t planning on stopping there. ?Ultimately we hope to connect people with experts in nutrition, sports therapy, etc.,? Silverglide said.

[Image courtesy Wello]

Copyright 2012 MedCity News. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://medcitynews.com/2012/11/online-personal-training-startup-wello-packs-a-punch-with-1-million-seed-round/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Fomenko: Football Federation of Ukraine has no concrete candidates for post of Ukraine coach

The Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU) has no concrete candidates for the post of Ukraine manager after English coach Harry Redknapp turned down the job of coach of the national football team.

"We're continuing to look for candidates who are worthy of this post. There are currently no concrete names," Chairman of the FFU's Committee for National Teams and Head of the Coaching Council Mykhailo Fomenko told Interfax-Ukraine on Monday.

Earlier reports said that the FFU was in talks with Italian manager Marcello Lippi, who led Italy to victory in the 2006 World Cup.

As reported, on November 20, the FFU's presidium decided to begin talks with English manager Redknapp regarding his possible job as Ukraine coach. On November 24, Redknapp signed a two-and-a-half-year contract with England's Queens Park Rangers.

On November 19, Ukrainian football star Andriy Shevchenko turned down FFU President Anatoliy Konkov's offer to take charge of Ukraine's national football team.

The post of the head coach of the Ukrainian national football team became vacant after Oleh Blokhin took charge of FC Dynamo Kyiv in late September 2012.

Source: http://kyivpost.com/content/sport/fomenko-football-federation-of-ukraine-has-no-concrete-candidates-for-post-of-ukraine-coach-316729.html

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Source: http://personal-training.ezinemark.com/innovation-weight-loss-fitness-long-island-personal-training-7d37ed76d9d3.html

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বুধবার, ২৮ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Risk of childhood obesity can be predicted at birth

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? A simple formula can predict at birth a baby's likelihood of becoming obese in childhood, according to a study published today in the open access journal PLOS ONE.

The formula, which is available as an online calculator, estimates the child's obesity risk based on its birth weight, the body mass index of the parents, the number of people in the household, the mother's professional status and whether she smoked during pregnancy.

The researchers behind the study hope their prediction method will be used to identify infants at high risk and help families take steps to prevent their children from putting on too much weight.

Childhood obesity is a leading cause of early type 2 diabetes and heart and circulatory disease, and is becoming more common in developed countries. According to NHS figures, 17 per cent of boys and 15 per cent of girls aged two to 15 in England are classified as obese.

The researchers developed the formula using data from a study set up in 1986 following 4000 children born in Finland. They initially investigated whether obesity risk could be assessed using genetic profiles, but the test they developed based on common genetic variations failed to make accurate predictions. Instead, they discovered that non-genetic information readily available at the time of birth was enough to predict which children would become obese. The formula proved accurate not just in the Finnish cohort, but in further tests using data from studies in Italy and the US.

"This test takes very little time, it doesn't require any lab tests and it doesn't cost anything," said Professor Philippe Froguel, from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, who led the study.

"All the data we use are well-known risk factors for childhood obesity, but this is the first time they have been used together to predict from the time of birth the likelihood of a child becoming obese."

The 20 per cent of children predicted to have the highest risk at birth make up 80 per cent of obese children. The researchers suggest that services such as dieticians and psychologists could be offered to families with high-risk infants to help them prevent excessive weight gain.

"Once a young child becomes obese, it's difficult for them to lose weight, so prevention is the best strategy, and it has to begin as early as possible," said Professor Froguel. "Unfortunately, public prevention campaigns have been rather ineffective at preventing obesity in school-age children. Teaching parents about the dangers of over-feeding and bad nutritional habits at a young age would be much more effective."

Although common genetic variants did not prove to be helpful for predicting childhood obesity, the researchers say about one in 10 cases of obesity are caused by rare mutations that seriously affect appetite regulation. Tests for these mutations could become available to doctors in the next few years as the cost of DNA sequencing technology falls.

The Imperial researchers conducted the study in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Oulu, Finland; Harvard University in the US and the University of Verona, Italy. The work was funded by the Medical Research Council, Imperial College London, the University of Oulu and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

The obesity risk calculator is available online at http://files-good.ibl.fr/childhood-obesity/

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Imperial College London.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Anita Morandi, David Meyre, St?phane Lobbens, Ken Kleinman, Marika Kaakinen, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Vincent Vatin, Stefan Gaget, Anneli Pouta, Anna-Liisa Hartikainen, Jaana Laitinen, Aimo Ruokonen, Shikta Das, Anokhi Ali Khan, Paul Elliott, Claudio Maffeis, Matthew W. Gillman, Marjo-Riitta J?rvelin, Philippe Froguel. Estimation of Newborn Risk for Child or Adolescent Obesity: Lessons from Longitudinal Birth Cohorts. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (11): e49919 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049919

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/3L_guxH0ow4/121128182739.htm

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Possible trigger for multiple sclerosis nerve damage

ScienceDaily (Nov. 27, 2012) ? High-resolution real-time images show in mice how nerves may be damaged during the earliest stages of multiple sclerosis. The results suggest that the critical step happens when fibrinogen, a blood-clotting protein, leaks into the central nervous system and activates immune cells called microglia.

"We have shown that fibrinogen is the trigger," said Katerina Akassoglou, Ph.D., an associate investigator at the Gladstone Institute for Neurological Disease and professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, and senior author of the paper published online in Nature Communications.

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is thought to be an autoimmune disease in which cells that normally protect the body against infections attack nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, often leading to problems with vision, muscle strength, balance and coordination, thinking and memory. Typically during MS, the immune cells destroy myelin, a protective sheath surrounding

nerves, and eventually leading to nerve damage. The immune attack also causes leaks in the blood-brain barrier, which normally separates the brain from potentially harmful substances in the blood.

"Dr. Akassoglou has focused on the role of the blood-brain barrier leak in MS and has discovered that leakage of the blood clotting protein fibrinogen can trigger brain inflammation," said Ursula Utz, Ph.D., M.B.A., a program director at NIH's National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS).

Microglia are cells traditionally thought to control immunity in the nervous system. Previous studies suggested that leakage of fibrinogen activates microglia. In this study, Dr. Akassoglou and her colleagues used a cutting-edge imaging technique called two-photon laser scanning microscopy to watch what happens in an animal model of MS.

"Our results provide the first evidence linking leakage of fibrinogen to neuronal damage," said Dr. Akassoglou, "Vascular changes are the instigator of neurotoxicity."

Using a mouse model of MS, the researchers found that leakage of fibrinogen and microglial activation occurred days before nerve damage began, suggesting they occur in an early, pre-clinical stage of the disease.

During this period, microglia changed shapes and clustered around blood vessels along with other immune cells. Further experiments suggested that fibrinogen activated microglia by binding to a receptor, called CD11b/CD18, which caused the microglia to release reactive oxygen molecules that, in turn, damaged neurons. Inhibiting the binding of fibrinogen to the receptor prevented microglial activation and nerve damage.

Current treatments for MS are designed to suppress autoimmunity. The results from this study suggest that targeting the interaction between fibrinogen and microglia may be an effective alternative. In the mice, blocking fibrinogen's blood clotting activity prevented microglial activation and nerve damage.

"Current drugs target primarily downstream events. This interaction could be an upstream target that suppresses immunity and neurodegeneration," said Dr. Akassoglou.

In 2006, Dr. Akassoglou received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, which honors and supports the finest and most promising researchers early in their careers.

This study was supported by NINDS (NS051470, NS052189, NS066361); the National Cancer Institute (CA082103); the National Center for Research Resources (RR004050), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL096126), the American Heart Association, the Bechtel Foundation, the Dana Program in Brain and Immuno-imaging, the H. Lundbeck A/S, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the Nancy Davis Foundation for Multiple Sclerosis, and the March of Dimes.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Dimitrios Davalos, Jae Kyu Ryu, Mario Merlini, Kim M. Baeten, Natacha Le Moan, Mark A. Petersen, Thomas J. Deerinck, Dimitri S. Smirnoff, Catherine Bedard, Hiroyuki Hakozaki, Sara Gonias Murray, Jennie B. Ling, Hans Lassmann, Jay L. Degen, Mark H. Ellisman, Katerina Akassoglou. Fibrinogen-induced perivascular microglial clustering is required for the development of axonal damage in neuroinflammation. Nature Communications, 2012; 3: 1227 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2230

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/most_popular/~3/91q7mV-THb4/121127154215.htm

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Microsoft Reportedly Planning OS X-Style Cheap, Annual Windows Updates

Windows 8 LogoMicrosoft might be figuring out that the best way to get users to use its product isn't by charging an arm and a leg for updates and releasing them only once every few years. Redmond is reportedly switching to an approach like that taken by rival Apple, delivering inexpensive, annual updates that are less dramatic but which are designed to get all users on board a unified platform.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/uIH3YEcopHM/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Treating Sleep Improves Psychiatric Symptoms

Cover Image: November 2012 Scientific American MagazineSee Inside

Sleep may be a critical link?and therapeutic target?in mental illness

sleep therapy, psychiatric symptoms, mental illness and sleep, sleep-related issues, insomnia, daytime drowsiness, sleep apnea, depression Image: YE RIN MOK Corbis

  • Showcasing more than fifty of the most provocative, original, and significant online essays from 2011, The Best Science Writing Online 2012 will change the way...

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People with depression or other mental illnesses often report trouble sleeping, daytime drowsiness and other sleep-related issues. Now a growing body of research is showing that treating sleep problems can dramatically improve psychiatric symptoms in many patients.

Much of the latest work illustrates how sleep apnea, a common chronic condition in which a person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep, may cause or aggravate psychiatric symptoms. In past years sleep apnea has been linked to depression in small studies and limited populations. Now a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strengthens that connection. The CDC analyzed the medical records of nearly 10,000 American adults with sleep apnea. Men diagnosed with this disorder had twice the risk of depression?and women five times the risk?compared with those without sleep apnea. Writing in the April issue of Sleep, lead author Anne G. Wheaton and her colleagues speculate that in addition to interrupting sleep, the oxygen deprivation induced by sleep apnea could harm cells and disrupt normal brain functioning.

Treating this disorder shows promise for reducing symptoms of depression, a recent study at the Cleveland Clinic suggests. In the experiment, patients went to bed wearing a mask hooked up to a machine that increases air pressure in their throat. The increased pressure prevents the airway from collapsing, which is what causes breathing to cease in most cases of this disorder. Using this machine, psychiatrist Charles Bae and his colleagues treated 779 patients who had been diagnosed with sleep apnea. After an average of 90 days of sleeping with the machine, all the patients scored lower on a common depression survey than before the treatment?regardless of whether they had a prior diagnosis of depression or were taking an antidepressant. The data were presented in June at the SLEEP 2012 conference in Boston.

Investigating their patients' sleep health might allow doctors to alleviate mental disturbances early?perhaps even before patients try psychiatric drugs. This treatment could be especially important for children, according to three new studies that show sleep is associated with mental disturbance at young ages. An August study in Medical Hypotheses reported that about 25 to 50 percent of children and adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder experience sleep problems. A few months earlier in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found that of the 11,000 children in the study, those with disordered breathing in sleep (as reported by their parents) had 40 percent more behavioral difficulties at four years old and 60 percent more at age seven. Sleep disturbances affect moods, too?and not simply by producing crankiness. Adolescents who reported daytime drowsiness were also more likely to experience sadness, according to a March study in the Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics.

Steven Y. Park, assistant professor of otolaryngology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, has long been advocating that sleep disorders are an underlying cause of many psychiatric disorders. ?The way I see it,? Park says, ?you can't consider a psychiatric disorder without thinking about a sleep-breathing problem.?

This article was originally published with the title Treating Sleep Improves Psychiatric Symptoms.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=56abe5f8c6697061aa67dedd8a8178a9

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The 3 Steps to Self Empowerment - The Self Esteem Blog

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Posted by Dr. Irene on November 26, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

By Christine Gabb -

Em?power?ment. A strong word carrying a suggestion of control, authority, influence, strength, energy. It?s a word that makes you believe that if you have it, anything is possible.

Everyday you are given messages about how to live your life. Some call it intuition others gut instinct? different names, same meaning. These messages come in many forms and many guises.

Some are easily recognizable such as fear. When I talk about the word fear I don?t mean fearful. I mean the fear that surfaces when you are in imminent danger ? that lurching feeling you have in your stomach standing on the edge of a cliff perhaps, or when the hairs stand up on the back of your neck for no apparent reason. These are the messages that you usually pay attention to because they are very clear ? danger, run.

Other messages that come to you are more subtle and harder to interpret. These are the messages that keep you in integrity and allow you to be true to yourself. They build your self esteem, motivate you and create your belief structure. Unfortunately these are also the ones that you can most easily dismissed or deny.

Negative peer pressure is a classic example of doing something that your ?instinct? or ?gut feeling? is advising you not to do ? but you do it anyway regardless that it will take you out of integrity. People in emotionally abusive relationships are another example of how one individual has the ability to dis-empower another. The abused person has allowed the abuser to manipulate them into denying their instincts about who they believe they are.

The more you deny your inner voice and stop listening to your intuition or gut feelings the less power and control you have over your reality.


Your beliefs are the foundation for your reality ? what you believe will be so. Most of your beliefs are formed in childhood. They are conclusions you have formed based on your experiences as a child. Growing up in a loving and supportive environment will provide you with very different belief than if you grew up in a shameful and abusive family.

Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of all since they will keep you from the success that you want, but don?t believe you can attain. As Henry Ford, a prominent American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company so aptly put ?Whether you think you can or you can?t, you are right!?

If you believe that most people are good at heart and want to do the right thing, most people in your life will fit that description. Similarly, if you believe that you will never get out of debt, you probably never will. You might say you haven?t chosen to be in an abusive relationship, or poverty, or have ill health, or be lonely but you will have chosen what you think about it, how you deal with each circumstance and what you expect will happen from it.

Ask your self the following questions:

How is my behaviour governed by my beliefs?

What belief or principle am I functioning out of here?

Is that belief serving me well or hindering me?

What could I do about it?


You are the master of what happens in your life? your current reality has been created in one of two ways: consciously or unconsciously.

Conscious creation is when you are pro-active in the process of creating what you want. This is typically driven by the desire for positive outcomes for those who have the underlying belief that conscious creation is possible. Conscious creation can create both positive and negative outcomes based purely on the person?s belief structure at the time.

Unconscious creation is when you allow events to determine your reality. The underlying belief will be that life just happens to you and therefore you react to circumstances as and when they occur. In this instance you are more than likely ?un-conscious? that you have any control over your reality so will be unaware of the impact your thoughts and spoken words have on what you are attracting into your life.

By gaining control of your reality through the act of conscious creation, you can change things and bring what you want into your life, whether it?s health, prosperity or overall happiness. Conscious creation is being clear about what you want, believing you can get it and not being owned by the outcome. This law, when understood and practiced, can help anyone to manifest the things in life that they truly want.

Which statement rings true for you? Why?

1. Everything that happens to me in my life is a direct result of my own actions or thoughts. Either consciously or unconsciously I have created the circumstances for these events to occur.

2. I am a victim of circumstance or chance, and everything that happens in my life is the direct result of what others have done to me.


If you don?t like what you are thinking, seeing, doing ? change it.

A perspective is a point of view. It is your perspective that determines your experience, not your circumstances. Imagine looking at an abstract painting hanging in an art gallery. The lack of recognizable form gives you the opportunity for interpretation ? to you the dark smudges you see nestled between two large smudges of blue paint may make you think you see a flock of sheep grazing in a valley between two mountains; to someone else it could be clouds colliding on a stormy evening and the dark smudges portray the intensity of the storm.

The painting hasn?t changed ? its how the individual has interpreted it that is different. If you are able to change your perspective on what is happening to you, you are giving yourself the opportunity to experience it differently.

As a wise man once said to me ?there is very little you can do about other people?s behaviour but you can do a lot about the way you are reacting to it?.

Think of a specific problem that you are struggling with right now.

How could you change the way you see this situation?

What does your ?gut? saying to you? What feels right to you?

What fears or inner drives are influencing you with your perspective?

This is your life ? make it your own!

Christine is a certified Emotional Transformation Coach helping professional women in unhealthy relationships gain back control of their lives. You can reach her at her website http://www.emotionaltransformation.ca and her blog at http://www.inwardreflection.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christine_Gabb



Source: http://theselfesteemblog.com/self-esteem/featured-articles/the-3-steps-to-self-empowerment/

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Topical simvastatin shown to accelerate wound healing in diabetes

Topical simvastatin shown to accelerate wound healing in diabetes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Nov-2012
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Contact: David Sampson
Elsevier Health Sciences

Results of new study published in The American Journal of Pathology

Philadelphia, PA, November 27, 2012 Delayed wound healing is a major complication of diabetes because the physiological changes in tissues and cells impair the wound healing process. This can result in additional disease outcomes such as diabetic foot ulcer, a significant cause of morbidity in the growing population of diabetic patients. A new study has found that topically applied simvastatin accelerates wound healing in diabetic mice, suggesting important implications for humans with diabetes. This study is published in the December issue of The American Journal of Pathology.

The research was performed by scientists at the Departments of Dermatology and Ophthalmology of Kyoto Prefectural University School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; the Department of Dermatology at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan; and Shiseido Innovative Scientific Research Center, Yamamoto, Japan.

"We know that there are several factors involved in delayed wound healing in diabetes," says lead investigator Jun Asai, MD, PhD. "These factors include more rapid apoptosis (cell death) and reduced angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels). Impaired lymphangiogenesis, or formation of new lymphatic vessels, has also recently been established as a major factor."

Recent studies have shown that statins have uses beyond their cholesterol-lowering effects and can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels when used systemically. This study tested whether topical application of simvastatin could promote angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during wound healing in genetically diabetic mice. An advantage of topical application is that a suitable concentration of simvastatin can be applied without risk of serious systemic effects such as kidney damage.

The investigators generated a full-thickness skin wound on the backs of diabetic mice. Each wound was treated with a topical application of either simvastatin in petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly alone. The application was repeated on days four, seven, and ten.

After two weeks, the simvastatin-treated wounds were more than 90% healed, whereas less than 80% were healed in the wounds treated by petroleum jelly alone. The difference in wound closure was greatest on day seven when the simvastatin-treated wounds were 79.26% healed compared with 52.45% in the control group.

"Our results suggested to us that the mechanisms underlying the lymphangiogenic effects of simvastatin in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) might be similar to those for angiogenic effects," comments Dr Asai. "However, contrary to our expectation, simvastatin did not promote proliferation of human LECs in vitro. We therefore investigated other possible sources of lymphangiogenic factors."

Earlier reports suggested that infiltrating macrophages contribute to lymphangiogenesis as the major producer of vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) in cutaneous wound healing. In this study, the number of infiltrating macrophages in granulation tissue was significantly increased by topical application of simvastatin, and most of these macrophages produced VEGF-C.

"This study shows that topical simvastatin significantly accelerates wound recovery by increasing both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Our observations suggest that the favorable effects of simvastatin on lymphangiogenesis are due both to a direct influence on lymphatics and indirect effects via macrophages homing to the wound. This is a simple strategy that may have significant therapeutic potential for enhancing wound healing in patients with impaired microcirculation, such as that in diabetes. Further investigation is needed to determine its clinical utility", concludes Dr Asai.


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Topical simvastatin shown to accelerate wound healing in diabetes [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Nov-2012
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Contact: David Sampson
Elsevier Health Sciences

Results of new study published in The American Journal of Pathology

Philadelphia, PA, November 27, 2012 Delayed wound healing is a major complication of diabetes because the physiological changes in tissues and cells impair the wound healing process. This can result in additional disease outcomes such as diabetic foot ulcer, a significant cause of morbidity in the growing population of diabetic patients. A new study has found that topically applied simvastatin accelerates wound healing in diabetic mice, suggesting important implications for humans with diabetes. This study is published in the December issue of The American Journal of Pathology.

The research was performed by scientists at the Departments of Dermatology and Ophthalmology of Kyoto Prefectural University School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan; the Department of Dermatology at Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Hamamatsu, Japan; and Shiseido Innovative Scientific Research Center, Yamamoto, Japan.

"We know that there are several factors involved in delayed wound healing in diabetes," says lead investigator Jun Asai, MD, PhD. "These factors include more rapid apoptosis (cell death) and reduced angiogenesis (growth of new blood vessels). Impaired lymphangiogenesis, or formation of new lymphatic vessels, has also recently been established as a major factor."

Recent studies have shown that statins have uses beyond their cholesterol-lowering effects and can stimulate the growth of new blood vessels when used systemically. This study tested whether topical application of simvastatin could promote angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during wound healing in genetically diabetic mice. An advantage of topical application is that a suitable concentration of simvastatin can be applied without risk of serious systemic effects such as kidney damage.

The investigators generated a full-thickness skin wound on the backs of diabetic mice. Each wound was treated with a topical application of either simvastatin in petroleum jelly or petroleum jelly alone. The application was repeated on days four, seven, and ten.

After two weeks, the simvastatin-treated wounds were more than 90% healed, whereas less than 80% were healed in the wounds treated by petroleum jelly alone. The difference in wound closure was greatest on day seven when the simvastatin-treated wounds were 79.26% healed compared with 52.45% in the control group.

"Our results suggested to us that the mechanisms underlying the lymphangiogenic effects of simvastatin in lymphatic endothelial cells (LECs) might be similar to those for angiogenic effects," comments Dr Asai. "However, contrary to our expectation, simvastatin did not promote proliferation of human LECs in vitro. We therefore investigated other possible sources of lymphangiogenic factors."

Earlier reports suggested that infiltrating macrophages contribute to lymphangiogenesis as the major producer of vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) in cutaneous wound healing. In this study, the number of infiltrating macrophages in granulation tissue was significantly increased by topical application of simvastatin, and most of these macrophages produced VEGF-C.

"This study shows that topical simvastatin significantly accelerates wound recovery by increasing both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. Our observations suggest that the favorable effects of simvastatin on lymphangiogenesis are due both to a direct influence on lymphatics and indirect effects via macrophages homing to the wound. This is a simple strategy that may have significant therapeutic potential for enhancing wound healing in patients with impaired microcirculation, such as that in diabetes. Further investigation is needed to determine its clinical utility", concludes Dr Asai.


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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-11/ehs-tss112712.php

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Israel, militants begin talks on truce details

Palestinian school children walk in the rubble left days after an Israeli strike destroyed the Hamas interior ministry in Gaza City, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Israel launched its offensive on Nov. 14 in a bid to halt months of Palestinian rocket attacks. It says it inflicted heavy damage on Gaza militants, but the territory's armed groups fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before a cease-fire was declared Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012.(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Palestinian school children walk in the rubble left days after an Israeli strike destroyed the Hamas interior ministry in Gaza City, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Israel launched its offensive on Nov. 14 in a bid to halt months of Palestinian rocket attacks. It says it inflicted heavy damage on Gaza militants, but the territory's armed groups fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before a cease-fire was declared Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012.(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

A Palestinian schoolgirl is seen through a hole in a blackboard days after an Israeli strike hit a school in Gaza City, Monday, Nov. 26, 2012. Israel launched its offensive on Nov. 14 in a bid to halt months of Palestinian rocket attacks. It says it inflicted heavy damage on Gaza militants, but the territory's armed groups fired hundreds of rockets into Israel before a cease-fire was declared Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012.(AP Photo/Adel Hana)

(AP) ? Israel and Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip began indirect talks Monday in Egypt aimed at forging a new era of relations between the bitter enemies following a cease-fire that ended the heaviest fighting in nearly four years.

The talks, being mediated by Egypt, were the first negotiations since the cease-fire took effect last Wednesday, halting eight days of airstrikes targeting militant groups in the Palestinian territory and rocket attacks that reached deep into Israel.

Israel launched some 1,500 airstrikes in a bid to end rocket attacks out of Gaza, while the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad militant groups fired a similar number of rockets at Israeli cities. More than 160 Palestinians, including dozens of civilians were killed. Palestinian attacks killed Six Israelis, including four civilians and two soldiers.

Now that fighting has subsided, Egypt is working with the sides on carrying out the second phase of the agreement: negotiating new border arrangements for the impoverished coastal strip.

The negotiations will not be simple. The militants want Israel to lift what remains of its blockade of Gaza, imposed five years ago after Hamas seized control of the territory from its Western-backed rival Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. While Israel has eased the blockade in recent years, key restrictions remain in place on exports out of Gaza and the entry of badly needed building materials into the territory.

The Palestinians are hopeful that Egypt's new Islamist government will ease its own restrictions on movement in and out of the territory. Egypt still limits foot traffic through the Rafah border crossing. The militants also hope to turn the Rafah terminal into a major cargo crossing.

In return, Israel wants an end to arms smuggling into Gaza. Iranian-made weapons have made their way into Gaza through a circuitous route that ends with underground tunnels along the Egyptian border.

An Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the negotiations with the media, said Israel is prepared to take steps to help Gaza's civilians but would be wary of doing anything that could strengthen Hamas. In particular, he said the issue of arms smuggling would be high on the agenda.

"Our assessment is that successfully preventing the rearmament of Hamas and other groups is an integral element of maintaining long-term peace and quiet," the official said.

Yasser Othman, Egypt's top diplomat in the West Bank, confirmed the talks had begun.

Ghazi Hamad, a Hamas official in Gaza, said the group's economics minister, Ziad al-Zaza, was leading the Palestinian delegation. He gave no further details, and it was unclear whether any timeline was imposed for implementing the deal.

But militant leaders already have said they will not give up the vast arsenals they have accumulated. In the recent fighting, Hamas and Islamic Jihad unveiled new rockets capable of striking deep into the Israeli heartland, in addition to anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.

In an interview Monday, Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shallah said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called him and Hamas' prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, to offer congratulations after their battle with Israel.

"Iran has been providing us with the support we needed to defend ourselves in the face of the Zionist occupation. Iran supported us militarily and financially and with everything we need to stand steadfast on our land," Shallah said. "We appreciate that and hope that all the Arab countries do the same."

He also said he hoped the latest fighting would inspire Palestinians in the West Bank to rise up against Israel as well.

Abbas, an outspoken critic of violence, has governed in the West Bank since Hamas overthrew his forces in Gaza in 2007. The rival governments repeatedly have failed to reconcile.

After four years of deadlock in peace efforts with Israel, Abbas this week is asking the United Nations to grant the Palestinians upgraded observer status and recognize a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem, territories captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war. The motion, largely symbolic, is expected to pass easily in the U.N. General Assembly.

In a statement, Hamas announced that its supreme leader, Khaled Mashaal, called Abbas to welcome the decision to go to the U.N.

Israeli officials ? backed by the Obama administration ? strongly oppose the move in the belief it is an attempt to bypass negotiations, but they have not said how they will respond.


Associated Press writers Ibrahim Barzak in Gaza City, Gaza Strip, and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Cairo contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-11-26-ML-Israel-Palestinians/id-96e63625274647d9b0c48a6b83fc5f70

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University Hospitals & Philips Healthcare to showcase imaging technology at Cleveland Medical Mart

University Hospitals & Philips Healthcare to showcase imaging technology at Cleveland Medical Mart [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Alicia Reale
University Hospitals Case Medical Center

First collaborative between commercial enterprise and healthcare provider at the Medical Mart

University Hospitals (UH) and Philips Healthcare are among a group of global leaders in healthcare to showcase the latest medical technology at the new Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center. The two organizations will collaborate to highlight innovative imaging technology in use and in development by Philips and other Ohio biomedical companies.

Scheduled to open in July 2013, the $465 million Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center is a one million-square-foot campus located in the heart of downtown Cleveland. The space occupied by UH and Philips will anchor the building's third floor, which is dedicated to "clinical spaces."

The showcase at the Cleveland Medical Mart is an outgrowth of the Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center, a collaboration between Philips and UH, along with Case Western Reserve University, which brings together scientists and physicians to test and evaluate new imaging technologies. Through the $38.5 million Center, established in 2010, the latest Philips Healthcare imaging equipment is brought to UH Case Medical Center for development, validation of clinical efficacy and product release.

"The Medical Mart showcase will further establish Cleveland as an international hub for imaging technology by highlighting the latest equipment that we have co-developed with Philips right here in Northeast Ohio," said Thomas F. Zenty III, CEO of University Hospitals. "The synergy between our organizations has created a pipeline to move innovative technologies more quickly into patient care.

We look forward to showcasing the important work that has come out of the Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center to the Cleveland Medical Mart's visitors, while enhancing the rich heritage and distinctive capability of Northeast Ohio healthcare."

The Department of Radiology at UH Case Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University, led by Pablo Ros, MD, Professor and Chairman, is home to a number of the nation's leaders in radiology who partner with Philips, which has one of its North American largest manufacturing headquarters in Cleveland. The announcement comes in conjunction with the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting in Chicago, where Philips will display some of the equipment that will be in the Cleveland Medical Mart showcase.

"We are very excited to join the Cleveland Medical Mart with our partners at the nationally renowned University Hospitals Case Medical Center," said Dominic Smith, Vice President, Global Computed Tomography at Philips. "Our company aspires to assist clinicians by providing breakthrough imaging technologies that today are not yet possible. The Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center has helped us realize these objectives and in the process, help improve the healthcare of patients in Ohio and throughout the world."

The four-story Cleveland Medical Mart will serve health and health care innovation, education, and commerce through state-of-the-art spaces, programs, and virtual offerings while building on and enhancing the rich heritage and distinctive capability of Northeast Ohio healthcare. Visitors will come to see state-of-the-art medical technologies in use, without having to go into the care or research setting itself.

"Congratulations to both University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Philips Healthcare for being the first Medical Mart collaborative partnership between a commercial enterprise and a leading healthcare provider," said Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald. "This is yet another positive and visible step forward for the Cleveland Medical Mart project."


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University Hospitals & Philips Healthcare to showcase imaging technology at Cleveland Medical Mart [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Nov-2012
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Contact: Alicia Reale
University Hospitals Case Medical Center

First collaborative between commercial enterprise and healthcare provider at the Medical Mart

University Hospitals (UH) and Philips Healthcare are among a group of global leaders in healthcare to showcase the latest medical technology at the new Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center. The two organizations will collaborate to highlight innovative imaging technology in use and in development by Philips and other Ohio biomedical companies.

Scheduled to open in July 2013, the $465 million Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center is a one million-square-foot campus located in the heart of downtown Cleveland. The space occupied by UH and Philips will anchor the building's third floor, which is dedicated to "clinical spaces."

The showcase at the Cleveland Medical Mart is an outgrowth of the Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center, a collaboration between Philips and UH, along with Case Western Reserve University, which brings together scientists and physicians to test and evaluate new imaging technologies. Through the $38.5 million Center, established in 2010, the latest Philips Healthcare imaging equipment is brought to UH Case Medical Center for development, validation of clinical efficacy and product release.

"The Medical Mart showcase will further establish Cleveland as an international hub for imaging technology by highlighting the latest equipment that we have co-developed with Philips right here in Northeast Ohio," said Thomas F. Zenty III, CEO of University Hospitals. "The synergy between our organizations has created a pipeline to move innovative technologies more quickly into patient care.

We look forward to showcasing the important work that has come out of the Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center to the Cleveland Medical Mart's visitors, while enhancing the rich heritage and distinctive capability of Northeast Ohio healthcare."

The Department of Radiology at UH Case Medical Center and Case Western Reserve University, led by Pablo Ros, MD, Professor and Chairman, is home to a number of the nation's leaders in radiology who partner with Philips, which has one of its North American largest manufacturing headquarters in Cleveland. The announcement comes in conjunction with the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting in Chicago, where Philips will display some of the equipment that will be in the Cleveland Medical Mart showcase.

"We are very excited to join the Cleveland Medical Mart with our partners at the nationally renowned University Hospitals Case Medical Center," said Dominic Smith, Vice President, Global Computed Tomography at Philips. "Our company aspires to assist clinicians by providing breakthrough imaging technologies that today are not yet possible. The Philips Healthcare Global Advanced Imaging Innovation Center has helped us realize these objectives and in the process, help improve the healthcare of patients in Ohio and throughout the world."

The four-story Cleveland Medical Mart will serve health and health care innovation, education, and commerce through state-of-the-art spaces, programs, and virtual offerings while building on and enhancing the rich heritage and distinctive capability of Northeast Ohio healthcare. Visitors will come to see state-of-the-art medical technologies in use, without having to go into the care or research setting itself.

"Congratulations to both University Hospitals Case Medical Center and Philips Healthcare for being the first Medical Mart collaborative partnership between a commercial enterprise and a leading healthcare provider," said Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald. "This is yet another positive and visible step forward for the Cleveland Medical Mart project."


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Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-11/uhcm-uh112612.php

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Reading, writing and playing games may help aging brains stay healthy

ScienceDaily (Nov. 25, 2012) ? Mental activities like reading and writing can preserve structural integrity in the brains of older people, according to a new study presented November 25 at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

While previous research has shown an association between late-life cognitive activity and better mental acuity, the new study from Konstantinos Arfanakis, Ph.D., and colleagues from Rush University Medical Center and Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago studied what effect late-life cognitive activity might have on the brain's white matter, which is composed of nerve fibers, or axons, that transmit information throughout the brain.

"Reading the newspaper, writing letters, visiting a library, attending a play or playing games, such as chess or checkers, are all simple activities that can contribute to a healthier brain," Dr. Arfanakis said.

The researchers used a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method known as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to generate data on diffusion anisotropy, a measure of how water molecules move through the brain. In white matter, diffusion anisotropy exploits the fact that water moves more easily in a direction parallel to the brain's axons, and less easily perpendicular to the axons, because it is impeded by structures such as axonal membranes and myelin. "This difference in the diffusion rates along different directions increases diffusion anisotropy values," Dr. Arfanakis said. "Diffusion anisotropy is higher when more diffusion is happening in one direction compared to others."

The anisotropy values in white matter drop, however, with aging, injury and disease.

"In healthy white matter tissue, water can't move as much in directions perpendicular to the nerve fibers," Dr. Arfanakis said. "But if, for example, you have lower neuronal density or less myelin, then the water has more freedom to move perpendicular to the fibers, so you would have reduced diffusion anisotropy. Lower diffusion anisotropy values are consistent with aging."

The study included 152 elderly participants, mean age 81 years, from the Rush Memory and Aging Project, a large-scale study looking at risk factors for Alzheimer's disease. Participants were without dementia or mild cognitive impairment, based on a detailed clinical evaluation. Researchers asked the participants to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 the frequency with which they participated in a list of mentally engaging activities during the last year. Among the activities were reading newspapers and magazines, writing letters and playing cards and board games.

Participants underwent brain MRI using a 1.5-T scanner within one year of clinical evaluation. The researchers collected anatomical and DTI data and used it to generate diffusion anisotropy maps.

Data analysis revealed significant associations between the frequency of cognitive activity in later life and higher diffusion anisotropy values in the brain.

"Several areas throughout the brain, including regions quite important to cognition, showed higher microstructural integrity with more frequent cognitive activity in late life," said Dr. Arfanakis. "Keeping the brain occupied late in life has positive outcomes."

According to Dr. Arfanakis, diffusion anisotropy drops gradually beginning at around age 30. "Higher diffusion anisotropy in elderly patients who engage in frequent cognitive activity suggests that these people have brain properties similar to those of younger individuals," he said.

The researchers will continue to follow the study participants with an eye toward comparing the diffusion anisotropy results over time.

"In these participants, we've shown an association between late-life cognitive activity and structural integrity, but we haven't shown that one causes the other," Dr. Arfanakis said. "We want to follow the same patients over time to demonstrate a causal link."

Coauthors are Anil K. Vasireddi, B.S., Shengwei Zhang, B.Eng., David A. Bennett, M.D., and Debra A. Fleischman, Ph.D.

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Laid-off workers more likely to get cut again

18 hrs.

For Kathy English, it was bad enough to get laid off the first time. Then, it happened again.

The two layoffs in the past?six years have set English on a veritable employment roller?coaster: Between?bouts of unemployment, she's?worked several different short-term?jobs and taken steep pay cuts. When she is working, she often worries about whether she will end up unemployed again.

??I think you have to be extremely strong-minded to endure these circumstances,? English said.

The good news for the approximately 12 million jobseekers out there is that the employment market is slowly improving.

The unemployment rate remains relatively high, however,?meaning jobs are hard to come by. That?s left many of the millions of people who were already laid off and then found a job?worried they could be unemployed?again.

Their feelings are justified: Experts say that if you are laid off once, a combination of factors makes it more likely that you will be cut again.

?Once you?ve lost one job, even when you?re re-employed, you?re kind of set up to lose (a job) again,? said Ann Huff Stevens, an economist at UC Davis who has researched the issue.

Stevens used data from the major recession in the 1980s to evaluate why people who are laid off are likely to still be earning less money than before they were laid off, even years later and after they have found other work.

A major problem she found?was that the workers who had been laid off once were more likely to have lost a job again.

Stevens said workers who lose a job will have lower tenure in their new job, making them more susceptible to layoffs. Another issue is that they tend to have been re-employed when the economy was still weak, meaning the new employer also may encounter problems and need to cut costs.

A person who is unemployed also?is likely to take the first ? or only ? job they get offered. That means they may give less thought than they normally would to whether the job is a good fit for them.

?You may get a new job, but it just may not be a good match for your skills and your personality,? she said.

Those and other factors mean that even people who do find a new job after a layoff also are likely to be earning less for years to come.

?It takes a very long time to recover your earnings level,? Stevens said.

Angela Kelley lost a job she?d held for eight years in January of 2008. It took her six months to find a new position as a purchasing agent, and she ended up taking a pay cut.

Then just six months later, in January 2009, she was laid off again.

By then, the job market seemed even tougher. She and her husband, who have a young son, ended up moving from Austin, Texas, to East Texas. He took a new teaching job and she took a position as a teachers' aide?in the school suspension room.

It was a severe pay cut, but she stayed in the job until December of 2011, when they moved back to the Austin area for her husband?s job. That left her again searching for work.

?I can?t tell you how many resumes I sent out between January and June,? she said.

Kelley finally landed another position?as a purchasing agent. She?s very happy in her new job, but she?s still making less than she was earning in 2008.

The financial hit to the family has been substantial. Kelley said they?had to sell their house at a loss and are living with relatives in Austin while they try to find a rental home that will accept their dog.

In the meantime, they?ve cut back on everything from groceries to movie nights with their son. They have little extra to save for big expenses such as their son?s college fund.

?We?re struggling to pay the bills, so we really don?t have anything to put into savings,? she said.

English is finally earning close to what she made in 2009, after her second layoff from an administrative job. But the years of unemployment have taken a toll, and she expects it to have an effect on long-term financial goals like retirement.

She also is still haunted by the fear and frustration she felt during the months in which she was looking for work or working jobs that paid very little.

At one low point, she and her boyfriend moved from Pennsylvania to Florida, where they lived in a trailer while she spent months trying to find a job. They eventually returned to Pennsylvania, where she found clerical work that paid half of what she?d been making in 2009.

?It?s extremely frightening,? said English, 44. ?Not only do you wonder where you?re going to work, but you almost get to a point where you don?t know where you?re going to live.?

Now she is happy to have her current job, as an administrative manager with an environmental cleanup company.

The job losses also have made her more?aware of any possible concerns about her employer's financial condition. She said she?s more likely to ask if she should be worried about layoffs. She also said she?s grown much more concerned with job security than with job satisfaction.

The only upside she sees is that she has become very good at putting together resumes and explaining things like unemployment gaps. She?s thought about taking on a second job as a career coach, helping people put together resumes and cover letters.

?I?m looking at, maybe I should step out of my security zone and do this,? she said.


Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/economywatch/laid-workers-more-likely-get-cut-second-time-1C7121572

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--Saving Me--

--Saving Me--

No, i didnt get the idea from the Nickleback song....but it does kinda fit....


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Hey hey, emotionless!! :)

I'd like to reserve one of the curse breakers. I probably won't be able to put up a character until tomorrow at the earliest, though. Do you want realistic or anime images?

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Doesnt matter what kind of image, but your spot is reserved mirror!

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Would it be alright if I took one of each? If not, just a curse breaker. Do you have set genders? I would like females.

Last edited by Horseygirl on Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Can I reserve the cursed 2? I'm going to send the character right now ;)

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I sent in my character! I hope she's alright! Also, if there's a shortage of guys, I can change her to a boy.

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Can I reserve a curse breaker? if one is still available?

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can i reserve a curse breaker? If not maybe a cursed?

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